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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2.4 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Dec 9, 2020 @ 4:15pm

While I do recommend this game, it is on a very thin line. I have a LOT of problems with this game but hopefully it may be developed more over time. So first I want to address pay 2 win and loot boxes. Yes they exist, but as far as I am concerned, ♥♥♥♥ paying for pay 2 win advantages. The main gripe I have with this game is the absolutely god awful pvp. It sucks ASS. With pay 2 win sweats all over the place, the built in mechanics better fitting for pve, and bad map design, It feels like an unpolished knockoff call of duty. There are much better pvp fps games available for free. The menus are a bit complicated and also feel unpolished. The games saving grace however is the pve and spec ops missions. These are absolutely outstanding. They shine through the pvp. With the different missions, achievements, and challenges in the pve it is loads of fun to play. Although this game is older, I hope the devs try and polish the menus and gameplay mechanics up as well as offer more graphics customization as well as making the graphics better. Also they need to fix pvp as it is a heap of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I hope for a possible full-campaign mode in the style that tom clancy's the division did. If you are into pve and campaign like fps games, definitely give it a go. If you are into multiplayer pvp type shooters, Go find another game.
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Developer response:
Runabel  [developer] Posted: Dec 16, 2020 @ 12:38pm
Hello, DenverDeer, thanks for writing a review and for giving thumbs up to Warface.
You can purchase certain items to boost your progress or spare you the effort of unlocking free ones. Now you can get potent weapons for free in various ways including in-game crafting, regular events and competitions. Moreover, the Crown item line-up has been expanded with the latest update. So you don't have to invest anything to play comfortably.
We gradually update various game aspects (introducing revamped PvP maps, new SpecOps, better optimization, new features such as weapons charms and reworked game interface that will go on being improved). We will go on working to bring outdated content up to modern standards.
I hope you will check out the recent changes delivered with the today's update. We are working really hard to make the game better.
Stay tuned.
Have a nice game.
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