New York, United States
Currently Offline
My Info
In the pulsating heart of Office, where the flickering neon lights cast a rainbow glow, two Counter-Terrorists find themselves enraptured in a whirlwind of desire. Their gazes lock like magnets, drawing them closer with every step through the labyrinthine corridors. As they navigate the maze of cubicles, their hands brush, igniting sparks of longing that set their souls ablaze with an inferno of passion. Amidst the cacophony of gunfire and chaos, they find solace in each other's arms, their bodies intertwining in a symphony of love and lust. In a secluded corner, away from prying eyes, they surrender to the tempest of emotions, their kisses a kaleidoscope of ecstasy that transcends the boundaries of the game. In this realm of heightened sensation, they are free to express their true selves, embracing their love in all its vibrant, radiant glory.

~Ice Spice
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Market Transactions
lemo Aug 9, 2017 @ 9:12pm 
+rep you can check my inv I bought 3 items from him for $50. asiimove, koi, hyper beast. much respect
dr. marijuana pepsi Jul 3, 2017 @ 7:25pm 
+rep huge ♥♥♥♥
Nugger Sep 3, 2016 @ 11:21am 
+rep helpful guy!
CharizardFainted May 11, 2016 @ 8:31pm 
+++rep awesome guy, helped me get the knife i wanted
navid May 10, 2016 @ 6:33pm 
+rep NOT A SCAMMER, fair trader