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Đánh giá gần đây bởi NinjaHippyFish

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1 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
2.4 giờ được ghi nhận
I'm not gonna waste anymore time with writing this review but keep it simple;
This "game" is literally 4 puzzles, nothing else. big oof. Was a laugh for a short bit of time, but connection problems and shortness of game, no thanks. Requested refund.
Đăng ngày 2 Tháng 6.
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9 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
0.4 giờ được ghi nhận
I got this game for free from Steamgifts by the developer (I believe?).

I was caught instantly on the writing, seemed right up my street. The whole nightmare almost 'Silent Hill' esque vibe got me hooked.
Upon launch, the menu felt a bit tacky with the only options being, which graphics settings you would like. In game the mouse felt a bit too quick for me but I got used to it.

The game relies on cheap jumpscares every few seconds, removing any possibility of scaring you at all. The assets used look great, when you spawn in the initial room I looked out the window and thought, wow, this actually looks quite nice. Ended up in a few rooms that were trying to be scary but was lacking. I opened a door and got hit by, to be fair, a creepy jumpscare. I went back and walked into another jumpscare. At this point I realised the game was going to rely on that. Simply spawning and despawning something in your face with 'AHHHH' over it. After the 2nd time, it really isn't scary and more annoying.

I persevered and ended up in the next area with a jumping sequence, which you need a 'jump potion' for. I don't know about you, but I've never needed to drink a jump potion to jump a tiny bit off the floor, which leads to my next complaint. When you die, you have a quick respawn but you have lives. In these sort of games, that's not a good thing. If I fail a few jumps, do I have to start from the start?
Then I found a stamina potion. What's next, a vision potion? It popped up with "Stamina +50" and I was wondering if this was going to turn into a full fledged RPG.

The jumpscares got worse. A flashing 2D image of a womans face with a scream, a teleporting man at 7ft tall whom punches you in the face? And lastly, a man in his underwear walking towards you yet held on the spot going 'help me' in a robotic voice.

They introduced a 'hide' mechanic, which in horror games means danger ahead. I thought this is nice, so I hid and found a 'pursuer' of sorts. I hid once, then walked past him and didn't use the mechanic for the rest of the game.
18 Minutes in and I hit chapter 6. 2 Minutes later I beat the game.


The initial level design is good until it starts to merge. I understand it's a nightmare so it's not supposed to make sense, it just felt clunky.
The jumpscares are all so tacky. Normally it's scarier when you build the tension up more first, perhaps some different sound design? The walking footsteps sound that appears 3 times got old quick.

I don't know what I was expecting with this game, but it leaves me feeling disappointed for now, although I believe this is the "beta" stages. If it were to be updated, would I play it again? Sure. I would give the developer the benefit of the chance.

I think the key thing is to work out what game you want. Jumpscare sim? Chase game? Jumping puzzles? After the one time you need to use the jump button (around 6-10 times) it is never used again.

Once again, I received this for free and it helped kill 20 minutes with an extra 10 minutes writing this.
Đăng ngày 26 Tháng 2.
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154.8 giờ được ghi nhận (55.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
Do you like dying for the company? Would you repeatedly die for the company? Would you like to support the company? Then join the company. You will most likely die.
Đăng ngày 2 Tháng 1.
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