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75.0 hrs last two weeks / 17,606.7 hrs on record (1,753.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Dec 9, 2016 @ 3:59pm
Updated: Sep 4, 2022 @ 2:50pm

How should I start ?

We know that this isn't a game, but, that deep down, it is the most rewarding challenge, the closest thing to alive we have ever felt. If we abide by the rules we prevail, but if we falter, or doubt, even just once, we will die. I don't have a life, i don't care about life, Dark Souls is the only thing that helped me with my depression, i'm still sad, but as long as i have this game by my side, i fear nothing, i can live, i can do anything.
Dark Souls is the only thing that can understand me, i'm always alone and such, but this game will always be by my side, i cannot hate it, even when it does something to me, even when i die from mistakes, i'll always love it.
When i was happy, i was playing Dark Souls, i shared my happiness with it, when i was sad, it stood by my side, everytime, Dark Souls was there with me, i'm never going to leave this game.
I can really agree, after so many years, that, this game is the only reason for me to be alive, it makes me want to live, it makes me happy, this game is the answer for everything.

In the beginning, i thought this game was difficult for no reason, i couldn't even know where i was, where i was going and what i had to do, i beat the game with a drake sword and a raw Laito while spending points in Resistance XD ( i had 45 resistance).
But something called me everytime i tried to stay way from Dark Souls, and I kept trying everyday to beat this game, until i realized that i had to kill some Lords to get their souls, i walked every place in this game trying to find where to go XD
Finally i killed them and put their souls in the Lordvessel, and saw that beautiful place, Gwyn was so hard, in the end, i saw my Char burning alive, and i was "WTF, WHY AM I BURNING?!".

After finishing it, i tried to understand the game, the lore and such.
It's wonderful, Dark Souls changed my life so much, i would even die for it ( don't know how, but i would), every decision you make, every step you take, it's just like the real life, you keep trying until you can do, you keep falling, but you always get up, you fail, you succeed, you're always alone, but you always have someone by your side, they go way, they betray you. I don't know if i changed to a better person or to a bad one, but now i surely have trust issues... (I'm talking about you "Trusty" Patches, you damn fool)

Dark Souls helped me with depression, how to think before acting, how to think in many ways of solving/doing something, how to act towards people, but without letting them deceive me, always be helpful (since theres always someone struggling somewhere) and many other things too.

Well, this game is so amazing, every bit of it. The lore, places, enemies, friends, items and every theory this game makes us think.

After so many years, i played this game, all the seconds, all the people i met, all the theories it made me think, I thank this game and all those who helped create it, with all my soul, for having existed, because all I am is because of this incredible and deep game.
I'll live playing Dark Souls, I'll die playing Dark Souls.

No words can describe this game, only you and no one else can understand what you feel about Dark Souls, you can try, but you'll never have the right words to say :D

Thanks From Software. Thank you so much Miyazaki.

Good bye then. Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go hollow.
And always Praise The Sun ! \[T]/
As a Darkwraith ofc, frigging sunbros, gotta kill them all and those annoying Darkmoon blades too

"Don't worry my dear friend, I'll never betray our friendship"

Note: You can't "Git Gud" even if you started to play it since the beginning of Dark Souls ;-;

Too lazy to edit it properly >:3
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wildflower May 6 @ 4:39pm 
your rage baiting gets weaker with your age. I prefer to run these games solo, save for the times I first played and got lost (wikis are for scrubs). I am often the phantom brought in for such casual tactics. Besides, I spend most of my online experience invading as a low level in ds2.
NightmareGats May 6 @ 7:47am 
You're probably one of the people who summon 10 phantoms, when an invader kills all of them, you alt+f4.
wildflower May 6 @ 1:39am 
You care enough to respond within 3 hours. I don't follow trends, and it isn't a skill issue, this game is just genuinely unfinished and overglazed. this communities abilities to hate ds2 while accepting the garbage of ds1 is a skill issue. You're a dried up boomer whose crowning achievment is his pvp record in the most unfinished from game. ggs bro
NightmareGats May 5 @ 4:21pm 
I dont care about whatever you think, you're Zoomer without a mind of your own, you only follow trends and like new stuff no matter how bad they are. Your opinion isn't valid. Git Gud casul, skill issue.
wildflower May 5 @ 12:58pm 
I ain't readin allat!! Also, this is the worst game in the series and it only "special' as an rpg if you haven't played that many old school games. you could publish this on kotaku though if you need to feel something
ceasar Apr 21 @ 5:06pm 
yap yap yap take it to a publisher virgin:GDNormal:
Barba Apr 11 @ 10:29pm 
How is it possible that you have 40 of 41 achievements?
FromIwoJima Jan 21, 2020 @ 7:27pm 
Though, I am one of those Darkmoon blades...
Paletta Apr 22, 2018 @ 3:25pm 
⛧ Dokuro no Kishi ⛧ Jan 9, 2018 @ 12:19pm 
agreed :steamhappy: