CJ Mustang
Im a gamer, a punk, and a Ford Mustang LOVER. I am disabled from health problems and a head injury so I'm on quite a bit. I try to stay positive and play games and meet new people.
I am in the process of streaming my PC games and will soon try to commentate on games I record. Friend me if u want to chat about any game I own.
I also play Xbox360 XB1 Mostly COD games and Halo. I have some others.
GT 4 XBone MusTanG CoD GT 4 XB360 MusTanG CoDuty

Proud Officer and Member of one of the best gaming communities on the planet, . We are a full gaming community with RTS, MOBA, FPS (my fav), RPG and lots of misc games (I am into Hearthstone right now). I am Platoon Leader of 1-1-2, misc. FPS games. I am a content creator of the COD and Console Microsoft sections.
Swing by and register (no obligation and no mailings). You will then have access to our forums and our teamspeak. Swing by my profile leave a visitor message so I know that you stopped by. If you want to join just fill out an application (plz mention Mustangpunk) and get interviewed. Can't wait to see you there. ~MP
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Etalase Pencapaian Terlangka
Dead Monarchs 18 Jun 2013 @ 1:44pm 
Yes let me know
Dead Monarchs 17 Jun 2013 @ 9:37pm 
Hey saw that you bought WARZ. Let me know if you wanna play!
DrinkingWhiskey 6 Sep 2012 @ 10:05am 
It's ok for a f2p game, I just play it for a half an hour or so every once in a while.
Lots of cheap ass players\ perks in it kind of craps up the works
MusTanG1888 22 Jul 2012 @ 10:46am << download Six updater from mirror closest to u. Run it , install it, then u can start it, u will see tons of servers, i suggest looking for a Recuit one. or u can Quick Match. If its laggy, turn down graphics using ESC key.
Also quick keybinding page
DrinkingWhiskey 3 Jul 2012 @ 11:15am 
Sent your invite to the Fever group just now