Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
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4 van de 34 (12%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

Queen killer

Kill the Queen of the Wood
Ontgrendeld op 26 feb 2023 om 16:37

I would climb (climb, climb) any mountain

Kill the Guardian of Echoes
Ontgrendeld op 26 feb 2023 om 17:24

Someone should take a look at that

Get across the collapsing bridge
Ontgrendeld op 26 feb 2023 om 17:06

The key thief

Unlock the well
Ontgrendeld op 26 feb 2023 om 16:47

Dig deep

Kill the King of Dirt

Right on time

Kill the Quantum Pilgrim

No hiding

Kill the Recluse King

Goodnight little bird

Kill the Watcher of Dusk

You weren't supposed to be here

Beat the Grand Warlock in the caves

2nd chances

Beat the Grand Warlock in the priory


Kill the Grand Warlock in the palace

No going back

Get through the cave in

It's like you've been here before

Survive the chase after the tower

Family reuinion

Find the lost brother


Collect 1000 diamonds without spending them

The end

Beat the game 1st time

Here we go again

Beat the game a 2nd time

Is it over yet?

Beat the game a 3rd time


Start the game the 4th time

Killed with kindness

Standard pacifist ending

Perfect vessel

100% pacifist ending

Patience of a saint

Listen to everything that the old lady has to say

Trans-dimensional room service

Speak to the butler and the maid in the palace, having spoken to their elder counterparts

Dark detour

Find the secret pacifist door in the caves

Cartographer's apprentice

Collect all of the maps

Going down

Survive the priory elevator

Can't run forever

Beat the pacifist warlock chase in the priory

Strong of heart

Max out health upgrades

Fly forever

Max out magic upgrades

Someone else's memories

Discover all of the flashbacks

Special delivery service

Get carried by the eagle

You bring me closer to God

Meet the nice version of the parishioner

Invincible (until you die)

Beat the game without ever dying


Kill a total of 500 enemies