
Boop Neji の最近のレビュー

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記録時間: 6.6 時間 (レビュー時に3.7時間)
Games good, solid idea and great support for it. Lacking in features (Some of the in-game buttons DO NOT WORK YET, DO NOT BE ALARMED), but the game is hardly a month old (publicly) and has amazing progress for the little time its been out.

Small issues such as graphical errors (such as Militia shooting their guns while pointing them to their sides.), AI bugs, and the aforementioned features lacking, do exist.

missions are small, packed, and quick if you know what you're doing. Minimal issues, some dialogue could be worded or fleshed out better. (Such as showing the player how Conversion works as a Zombie.)

overall, as it is, 8/10 game.

suggestions include, but are not limited to:

auto conversion if Infector kills human enemy, Hazmat units to counter Infector/provide Infector debuff negation to allies, minor pathfinding tweaks, and faction unique abilities and/or Buildings (Barricades for Survivors, Ability to rise from graves if Human is killed by Infector "poison" damage...this also means adding a Graveyard building that could serve as a lure)

possible new faction: Government, trying to maintain Order, Units like the aforementioned Hazmat could go here. (decom tents, conversion for Human factions maybe?)
投稿日 2020年11月6日.
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