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Évaluation publiée le 10 sept. 2017 à 12h51
Mis à jour : 28 déc. 2019 à 5h01

Évaluation de CS:GO
For the price, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an intense strategic shooter with a high skill ceiling. Throughout my 3 years of playing this game, I have gotten so much better but I am still not even the highest rank in Matchmaking. It's ironic that this amazing game is let down by the playerbase, which consists of cheaters, toxicity, and people with no sense of morals. "Well this is the minority?" You may ask. Well as it turns out there is big youtubers influencing cheaters everyday; promoting how to make free undetected cheats, $5 pay to cheats. It's funny because non prime has turned into hacker vs hacker servers. With accounts only costing £4 from ♥♥♥, what reason do have to care about cheating? Non. As it turns out most people just accept that non prime is for cheaters, this should not be the case. I have encoutered many spinbotters in prime too as it turns out (as I am 3rd highest rank in the game as it currently stands).

So what do I have to say for the game currently? It's at the peak of cheaters currently, but it's an insanely fun game. So should you buy it? Well if you have experience in previous Counter-Strikes or games similar, then you should buy it and use as off clients which have less cheaters. If you are new to the game however, I have to tell you to wait until VAC4.0 comes out. In the game's current state, when you start playing, you will just get rekt by cheaters so you wont actually get any enjoyment or learn anything from this game. It's sad but its whatever. If you have the money to invest in a prime account from external sites, then you should put time into the game. Otherwise you're gonna get caught in the crossfire of cheaters. Sad reality but true. (Overall I recommend this game)
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2 commentaires
Macky 10 sept. 2017 à 14h02 
Sad honestly. A game with such potential let down by the anti cheat. Valve should give up on their early 2000s AC (VAC) and buy BattlEye. Cos cheats vac undetected r £4 and battleye cheats r like £400 (they're obviously doing something right)
King Mutt 10 sept. 2017 à 13h55 
tru tbh