la ouate
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UN soldier Jan 9, 2023 @ 1:01pm 
Prisoner exchange at a secret airfield somewhere in Siberia, US Marines and Russian Spetznaz eye each other warily. Viktor Bout and Britney Griner begin crossing the field from opposite sides. As she(?) passes him she mumbles "ayo das rite white boy walk yo ass back to Russia, Biden president now. We out here”. Bout says nothing but silently marches to the Russian side. Griner reaches the Marines, all of whom are black and Mexican lesbians. Simone Biles and Beyonce are there and they all begin hooting and twerking in celebration. "Dey old school! We new school!" in a flash, a Russian commando tosses a rocket launcher to Bout, who spins around and aims right at the carnival of degeneracy sent by satan's empire. "dasvidaniya" he whispers. Griner cries out "muhfugga?!?!". As the rocket explodes in her(?) face and wipes out the entire sick display, one more stain wiped away from the face of God's majestic creation.
December 17, 2022
Tharkun Dec 12, 2019 @ 5:53am 
+rep, cool dude
Livounet Jun 12, 2019 @ 9:41am 
i find you very attractive ^////^
hong Jun 14, 2018 @ 1:36am 
hello! sorry for scare, but just notice profile on the Stearn Commurnity. you know how hard it are to find girls who play video game nowadays??? well, Im glad I stumble apon this little profiel cause I gotta say.... ur prety cute!! ^ ((sorry for scare, no trouble ) well... I was wondering if u wanted to play csgo with me (Im a global elight, so I can carry my little princes if need. =-}) CUZ I really want someone to play wit me.. hey hey, maybe even I could get you knife as little gift. you like tigger toofff? Me too, me too. anyways any, do you maybe have Skype? (no scare. no scare, I iust like meating eye to eye.) if we skype, I think we could have some good buddy commucation. :)) ( i can even turn down my dubstep music in the background if you want...) add me if you want please, I jsit need friend maybe even girlfriend, to play video with.m I can be the perfect guy for you, trust!! ill buy whatever, do whatever, okay?? jsit pick up that phone and CALL. =))))
p0mkin Feb 13, 2018 @ 1:25am 
cheater :)
Nacho Jun 6, 2017 @ 6:23am 
the master peice was worth 35 euros