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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 48.8 hrs on record (15.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: Sep 21, 2023 @ 11:11am
Updated: Sep 24, 2023 @ 8:19am

I gotta say, the gameplay is Phenomenal. Unreal was a very solid choice of new engine.Also opens up so much modding possibilities!

Main gripes:
Online only was such a huge mistake. Constant server errors and 4 days post launch of said errors. Especially when you're mid bloody heist and get booted.

Progression via challenges only. Stupid. Halo infinite tried it and it was shot the hell down. Challenges should either be bonus xp or a seperate xp to unlock cosmetics.

Minor Gripes:
Not alot of masks or patterns, Plenty of colors though, love the amount and choices.

C-Stacks. should be only used to buy cosmetic items, not weapon/mask slots or weapon attachments.

Acquiring C-stacks, it's okay, just wish the cooldown wasn't a week. tbh it goes in hand with the above, if i want to get a cool new weapon attachment i dont wanna have to wait a month to earn it.

Weapon variety is ok, im kinda biased coming from 2's selection, so i have no storng feelsings one way or another.

OH ARMOR, it feels mandatory to take armor bags now. should at least be able to regen one bar of armor at all times.

Things i enjoy:
Gameplay is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ great. The gunplay is nice, the mechanics are all very solid. (barring the above armor gripe, but heyho) Do wish we could bring 2 bags, like we could in 2.

Mask/Weapon customization. I know i said there weren't many masks/patterns, and there aren't as of 9/24/23, but the colors and the looks are primo.

Difficulty modifiers, now higher difficulty only makes cops hit harder, their health remains the same! and, they give stealth modifiers to make it a bit more challenging. From TITAN cams to lead guards that have a constant pager ping, it keeps you on your feet!

Modding capabilities are top shelf, as is unreal!

I Do like the CoD-style weapon leveling, where you use it to get more attachments. Could use some polish, sure, but i like having to use and get used to a weapons basic form before tweaking it right!

Overall, loving 3's gameplay, when it works. It's just dragged down by dumb choices.
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