1 person found this review helpful
Not Recommended
8.2 hrs last two weeks / 2,383.2 hrs on record (994.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: May 20, 2019 @ 8:39pm
Updated: Jun 26, 2019 @ 1:24am

CS:GO Review
- They made the game F2P that enabled hackers to make as many free accounts as they want to hack on, dividing their player-base, and destroying the game completely.
- They raised the game pricetag from $5 CND to $20 CND, preventing new people buying it which plateaus the playerbase and it slowly dwindles away...
- They released a new mode called 'Prime' where you lock your mobile phone number onto the account and you can play with other 'Prime' players, problem is, they still mix the regular mode with it, so you still playing with hackers.
- They are more harsh on players that get kicked and give them strict cool-down timer penalties that last up to 1 week ban. Because players are aware of this, they troll and abuse the system by kicking the solo player on their team that they don't like. So not only do they get bullied off the team, they also get punished for others bullying them with long cool-downs. Valve encourages this as players wanting to play are forced to BUY new accounts in order to continue to play allowing Valve to double-dip in profits.
- If you report someone, your account also gets negatively affected by lowering your 'behavior score' and 'Trust Factor' score where you'll now be paired with toxic players.
- Devs offered very little to evolve the game and give it more content, allowing their competition in the game's genre to grow, much like what they did to their TF2 game.
- If you dont play on a bi-weekly basis, you loose your hard-earned rank and go back to 'Silver 1' and its brutally hard to go up the ranks today with their new system, which means you're stuck on Silver tier for a very very long time.
- Now that you have a low 'Trust Factor' score from all of this, the system KEEPS you in Silver 1 tier forever!
- They allow people to have multiple accounts, massive 'smurfing' on lower tires make teams completely unbalanced giving you a loss, basically it's ranked ladder manipulation. Valve should only allow one game per processor serial number, but they make too much money selling multiple copies per user to be motivated to have the integrity to do that.

⭐⭐☆☆☆ (2/5 Stars) Decent game
- Because of the above issues, game is not really fun anymore, and i wouldn't recommend getting into the game today. If they fixed the issues, star rating would be higher.
+ I sold back 95% of all my high-tier skins after writing this review for $750 and i don't regret it, Valve doesn't deserve any money for having game-breaking systems while neglecting their CSGO & TF2 games.
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