Jack Bulfin   Australia
If you are reading this, you are probably interested in me as a person rather than the me of Internet. So here is a few things I think you would like to know about me.

Where do I live?: As a full time residence, I live in South Ameristralia, Internet.
Sports: I do enjoy physical activiy as well. I ski, play tennis, jog often and fence (the sport).
Musicality: In terms of music I am profficient in piano.
Hobbies / Interests: I love programming, lasers and the piano.

Online Info (Yay?!):
What games do I play: I would not call myself a gamer, but I like to endulge myself in many varieties of games, however my favorites are;
- Minecraft (please understand I am not a twelve year old skiddy)
- Any of the Pokemon series (apart from generation 6[they are not real Pokemon games])
- Various iOS games

How else can I reach you:
Skype: jack.bulfin
Twitter: @JackBulfin

*********************Please note this is not complete*******************************
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