Ebu Cehil márc. 29., 4:51 
huge ♥♥♥♥!
black 2023. máj. 18., 3:52 
Your form and execution are exquisite!
KnH Demonspree (bathed) 2023. febr. 26., 18:45 
-rep fake Russian Coca Cola
Screamin Tom 2022. okt. 28., 21:55 
ru$$ski illegal word apparently ladno
Screamin Tom 2022. okt. 28., 21:55 
privet ti govorish po ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Nemesis 2022. jún. 28., 0:19 
malicious midget that WILL kill when provoked, be careful of this one
Windmill 2021. dec. 17., 19:31 
Hi xD
LtCocoa 2021. dec. 17., 19:14 
Hi xD
Windmill 2021. dec. 17., 15:31 
Hi xD
Efes 2021. okt. 24., 3:00 
'Tis a rare thing to see a man who handles his weapon, as well as I do.
Goodfella 2020. nov. 28., 18:24 
Funny legend :steammocking:
Frawst 2013. júl. 2., 1:04 
+rep nice trader and good price
Nova 2012. dec. 8., 3:34 
+rep PERFECT trader, best i ever seen:)
Dniwe_Predok 2012. okt. 28., 11:25 
норм трейд+ реп
На спину кладу 2011. júl. 9., 12:30 