Spielzeit letzte 2 Wochen:

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4 von 16 (25 %) Errungenschaften erreicht:
Persönliche Errungenschaften

Five Finger Discount

Steal some food
Am 26. Nov. 2017 um 8:51 freigeschaltet


Find the local legend
Am 26. Nov. 2017 um 9:02 freigeschaltet

Get Down

Smoke some Mary Jane
Am 26. Nov. 2017 um 8:52 freigeschaltet

Send 'Em Home!

Whose house? Our house...
Am 26. Nov. 2017 um 9:44 freigeschaltet

Modern Day Robin Hood

Steal from the rich, and give to the poor and sick


Get lucky at the dumpster

Pro Skater

Winner of the Shark City Street Ball

Let 'Em Come!

Burn down a police tank

Pirate 4 Life

Own the yard

Urban Gardener

Get some seeds and harvest the plants

Hat, Glasses And A Tie

Shoplift away!

Take Flight!

Jetpack comes with endless gas

Reclaim The Streets

Boring, Okay, BANGING, RIOT!

True Pirate

The streets have taught you all you need to know... You're on your own now


Let's end this once and for all...

Street Cred Galore!

Collect 2500 Street Credit