Kirari K160
Kirari / KaRna / Kota'La / Koshka   France
Strength +25/+10

:Six_Alone: Thanks to life for collapsing me as soon as I got up.
Thank you for rocking me sweet dreams and ideals to finally give me taste so that I can move forward so that I fall from higher.
Thank you for making me a warrior who loves beauty and finds only the magnificent which she destroys to shreds.
:Crying_Eye: Thank you for making me believe that it's worth it to better show me the inconsistency, even when certain of being run in I let myself be convinced to trust and find myself stuck in my own trap, hard to realize that this- there is his own executioner.
Happiness certainly exists in my experience and it is all the more cruel because it resides only in memories soiled and marred by time. :LN2Key:
:Crying_Eye:The time that can seem so endless and suddenly turns around in a fraction of a second just to remind me that everything is turning back to dust.


"I hurt myself today, (...) everyone I know goes away in the end, (...) you could have it all, my empire of dirt, I will let you down, I will let you hurt.":Six_Alone:


J'ai forgé ce caractère de solitaire d'infatigable, d'insatisfaite d'handicaper de sentiment (ptin de méfiante),
Pourquoi ? Dès qu'il y a du bon il faut je le sabote moi. Mec si je te bote avec mon air triste et ma camisole (conseille)...:LN2Key:
:Crying_Eye:Passe ton chemin t'approche pas trop je suis qu'un trou noir une étoile morte, j'ai dit ever mort aux guenons et à l'amour tout ce qui me déroute,
on attend le déluge on est les sistas du désastre, génération Tchernobyl internet et lutte des classes ...

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Piyiyo 16 hours ago 
nice fights, you left me 18hp
Krrsantan-TCC May 26 @ 7:12pm 
You were destroyed by The Chainsaw Cvlt.
gg joues bien? sorry my french is bad. fun fights
Inwold May 16 @ 9:19am 
Bien joué ! Perdue deux fois face à toi en arène , " Sir Trois Pommes" si le pseudo te parle ha ha.
Costal May 16 @ 8:35am 
gg wp