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75.5 hrs last two weeks / 14,439.1 hrs on record (5,341.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Apr 9, 2015 @ 10:37pm
Updated: Nov 22, 2023 @ 1:10pm

Ever since Kegaman started playing Team Fortress 2 at around summer 2012, I have an unbreakable connection to its gameplay, artstyle, communities and players, including the updates and patches (that I encountered) made by the Team Fortress Team and the communities themself.

After many years, Team Fortress 2 is pretty laid back as a living online shooting game with silly hats and cool cosmetics; but, Kegaman play it for the 3rd-party competitive scene of any league. Kega wanna get gud at TF2 overall. Also, I met a variety of people in both games and communities and nice competitive players, including the ones which Kegaman befriended and made relationships with since those competitive players are pretty cool. Especially, the new competitive players who wanna improve to be better at the game.

TF2 ain't dead since the communities are still around for that game because it has a place in our hearts.

Update: It has been more than a decade of still sticking to this game
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