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Προβολή επιτευγμάτων παγκόσμια
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14 από 45 (31%) επιτεύγματα αποκτήθηκαν:
Προσωπικά επιτεύγματα

Meeting A Mysterious Book

Met Plachta.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 1 Αυγ 2020, 9:27

Operation Humanize Nothing

Failed to turn Plachta into a human.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 6 Φεβ 2021, 12:54

Seeing Eye to Eye

Turned Plachta into a doll.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 11 Σεπ 2021, 12:43

A New Me

Put on a new outfit.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 11 Μαρ 2023, 9:51

One Shot!

Saved by a mysterious person.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 2 Αυγ 2020, 11:18

Music Box Clue

Found out the machine box is a music box.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 16 Μαρ 2023, 17:24

The Voice's Identity

Found the identity of the voice in the cabin.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 4 Ιαν 2021, 13:34

Is it True?

Purchased a rumor.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 1 Αυγ 2020, 9:53

A Happy Gift

Received a present.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 10 Σεπ 2021, 23:08

A Bad Incident

Something bad happened while traveling.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 2 Αυγ 2020, 10:23

Please, Cory!

Registered an item at the duplication shop.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 4 Αυγ 2020, 18:16

Order Made

Crafted a weapon or armor.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 4 Αυγ 2020, 17:53

Familiar Equipment

Enhanced a weapon or armor.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 10 Σεπ 2021, 22:10

Squishy Punipuni

Defeated a Puni in your first battle.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 1 Αυγ 2020, 9:40

The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book

Collected all trophies.

The Cauldron of Knowledge

Cauldron of Knowledge stolen by Meklet and Atomina.

After the Battle

Finished the battle, and returned to the atelier.

A Challenge from Plachta

Given a challenge by Plachta.

Monika on Stage

Enjoyed Monika's concert.

Reliable Oskar

Saw Oskar carrying Monika in his arms.

Waterside Vacation

Enjoyed a waterside vacation with Leon.

The Fixed Clock

Harol showed you the repaired clock.

Glasses Off

Saw Elise without her glasses on.

Unexpected Skills?

Walked in on Horst playing the piano.

Date with the Poster Girl

Went on a date with Tess.

Sister's Smile

The donation to church reach the target figure which makes Pamela very happy.

His Goal

Witnessed Logy find new determination.


Inspected a barrel.

Top Musician

Got good at playing the piano.

I'll Do Anything!

Reached maximum Request rank.

Change of Mood

Changed Plachta's appearance.

Plachta's Happy

Satisfied Plachta during Doll Making.

Friends with Everyone

Raised friend level of all party members to maximum.


Slept for 3 whole days.

Money Saver

Saved up 100,000 Cole.

Capable Adventurer

Reached maximum adventurer level.

Full-Fledged Alchemist

Reached maximum alchemy level.

Master of Insight

Learned every single recipe.

The Ultimate Attack!

Unleashed a special attack.

Sun Destroying Dragon

Defeated Yasuk.

Moon Piercing Dragon

Defeated Dorak.

Embodiment of Light

Defeated the Light Elemental.

Wild Transformation

Defeated Nazarus.

Harvester of Life

Defeated the Demon Lord.

Ablation Alchemist

Defeated Luard.