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Hollow Knight Review

This game is clearly inspired by Dark Souls in almost every aspect, but in my opinion the story/plot is where the inspiration really shows. It uses the same technique as Dark Souls of not really telling you too much about anything, but letting you figure out things on your own through talking to NPC's, inspecting objects throughout the world, and selling certain items to NPC's. I absolutely love this kind of storytelling since it doesn't feel like the game is holding your hand throughout it, and it really allows you to connect to the character you play as and makes you feel like you really are a part of this world. The plot itself is *very* similar to Dark Souls which detracts from me liking it just a little bit. Overall though, the story is very immersive and amazing. 8/10

I'll admit I was a little skeptical of how good the gameplay would be since the game is 2D, but my skepticism was completely wrong. Early in the game it can feel a little repetitive and boring, but as you progress through the game and get the multitude of upgrades and charms the gameplay because absolutely fantastic. The many charms provide a quite in-depth way to adapt the combat to your kind of playstyle, and the ability upgrades make moving through the world and fighting enemies very enjoyable. 9/10

Like Dark Souls, the bosses are some of the best moments of this game. Every boss I encountered (and I didn't encounter *all* of them, there are quite a few optional ones that I missed) felt difficult to fight, but fair. In the instances where I was getting crushed by a boss I would save them for later when I was more well equipped to fight them, and it definitely made them easier. There were a couple of bosses which I felt were kind of lackluster in their design but that didn't detract from my enjoyment too much. There are also a wide variety of enemy types you encounter through the game which constantly makes fighting them fresh and fun. 9/10

World/Level Design
The world presented in this game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ AMAZING. Like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I didn't realise I would be so enthralled by Dark Souls: A Bugs Life. In all seriousness though, I adore this world and the lore surrounding it. The world is made up of characters and enemies which are bugs, and this really gives this game a unique aspect. Even down to small details, like the weapons you, NPCs, and enemies use, are things like nails and needles. The level design is amazing as well, with a big focus on you exploring and finding things on your own. The NPCs you encounter along your journey certainly make the world more lively as well, with a variety of personalities to make the world feel like, well, an actual world. 10/10

The music in Hollow Knight is so beautiful and adds so much to the experience of the game. Music isn’t my expertise so pls don’t kill me for not knowing things, but the melodies and overall song compositions really make you feel like you’re in a dying, dreary world. Sometimes the music is a bit forgettable but overall still great. 9/10

Art Style
The art style is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gorgeous in Hollow Knight, the entire thing has such a unique look. Every single area is unique, there are some beautiful locations, some dreary ones, and some dark, despair filled ones. The items you find all have unique looks, and the design of the various NPCs and bosses are so amazing. Also the game has a certain cuteness to it which I love. 10/10

If you like games with rich lore, amazing gameplay, beautiful design and music, this is the game for you. I loved almost every second of this game, and certainly recommend it to everyone.

Final Score: 9/10
Skrevet: 23. januar 2018.
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