1 person found this review helpful
1.8 hrs last two weeks / 4,427.3 hrs on record (58.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 24, 2014 @ 1:44pm
Updated: Nov 24, 2014 @ 1:46pm

CS:GO Review
CSGO, where do we begin...

The Gameplay
+ quite fun and addicting.
+ the game modes are cool.
+ never get below 60fps even on maxed out settings, even on a mid-end gaming pc.
+ can create your own maps and download maps that others make.
/ chickens wander around the maps. kind of funny, but looks out of place in a city setting.
- some of the maps seem to favor one side over the other.

Overall, gameplay is 9/10

The Multiplayer
+ it has multiplayer support
+ can use custom maps in multiplayer
- lots and lots of servers with high pings. lots of kicks from said servers.
- constant hacking that valve doesn't do ♥♥♥♥ about
- people telling you to "suck a ♥♥♥♥" "I pwnd ur noob ♥♥♥ with my asimov" and "well worn skins? you're so poor and gay"
- people shouting into their mics. if you wern't deaf already, you soon will be.
- cooldowns.

overall, multiplayer is 4/10 for me.

The Offline with bots mode
+ Playing with bots is significantly better than with real people, unless you play with your friends.
+ no angry shouting or spamming the chat.
+ no talks about how good your weapon skins are.
- getting killed by bots is humiliating.
- for some reason, bots seem harder on "hard" setting than on "expert"
- bots sometimes fail to pathfind properly and try to jump over walls that are too high.

overall, offline with bots gets 9/10

The Market and trading
+ you can buy stickers and skins for your weapons.
- the cheapest knives cost more than 4 times the ammount of their real life counterparts.
- people try and scam you all the time.
- little kids buy stuff with their parent's credit cards and brag about how much better their stuff is than yours, which you paid for with your own money.
- the cool looking stuff and even some crap looking stuff costs wayyyyy too much. people are selling items outside of the steam market because there is a max price of 400$ on market stuff. that's messed up.
overall, the economy of this game gets a 1/10

I would give this game a rating of 8/10.
If valve would actually give out bans to people that are clearly hacking, multiplayer would be better.
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