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77.6 hrs last two weeks / 1,668.7 hrs on record (324.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 23, 2022 @ 5:49pm
Updated: Apr 6, 2023 @ 7:03am

I have never seen a development team so blatantly biased to one side of a community. Killers constantly have nerf after nerf killing perks but when survivors are about to actually get a nerf, they all throw a fit and the devs revert most of them.

I've played since November, in that time a killer perk was meta for about 4 months. They deleted it into irrelevancy a month ago. Within that month another perk started to crop up, this perk WITHIN 1 MONTH got nerfed hard. Another perk that wasn't even strong got deleted into obscurity and has stayed useless.

Meanwhile, there is a perk on survivor so broken you WILL see it every match, alot of times every single survivor is running it because it counters the main chase mechanic of killer and most killer powers. It's literally been hard META for 7 years and in that time had 1 "rework" where it was still META. They finally adjusted it in the recent test changes so it had power but wasn't usable in every situation but oh no, survivors complain and it gets buffed again.

Why is it a killer perk can't be used for more than a few months without being deleted but a survivor perk used every single match that is literally un-counterable in alot of situations removing all power from 80% of the killer roster, can have only 2 nerfs in 6 years, neither of which prevent it being the most powerful perk in the game?

This is a 4v1 game where the power-role is at the mercy of the survivors being bad. Then they constantly make changes that punish solo survivors while keeping grouped up survivors oppressively broken. Out of the 3 players of killer, solo queue survivor and survivor with friends, 2 are actively bent over every patch while the one that actually needs adjusting is left alone.
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