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31 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

1000th Death

So many angel friends!

Desert Speed

You got all 20 Speed Stars in The Desert

Volcano Speed

You got all 20 Speed Stars in The Volcano

Space Speed

You got all 20 Speed Stars in The Space

Dark Speed

You got all 20 Speed Stars in The Dark

All Stars

You've collected All Speed Stars

Desert Cogs

You've collected all the cogs in The Desert

Volcano Cogs

You've collected all the cogs in The Volcano

Space Cogs

You've collected all the cogs in The Space

Dark Cogs

You've collected all the cogs in The Dark

All Cogs

You've collected All Cogs


You jumped good job!

1 Acid Death

Sizzle Sizzle
0 / 1

10 Acid Death

You died to acid ten times... That's good I think

You Died

You died, good work have an achievement!
0 / 1

100th Lazer Death

Vhwoom x100

1000th Lazer Death

You really like lazers

100th Saw Death

That's 200 robots you've made!

1000th Saw Death

Ever feel like an egg that fell off a wall?

100th Fire Death

I could use an extinguisher

1000th Fire Death

Roasting Robots

100th Spike Death

The pointy bit's on the wrong side

1000th Spike Death

Maybe if they weren't so close together

8 개의 숨겨진 도전 과제가 남아있음

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