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Global başarım istatistikleri
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92 başarımdan 0 tanesi kazanıldı (%0):
Kişisel Başarımlar

All 225 Stars

Earn all 225 stars across all modes


Defeat the sand worm

Get Jaimie Mantzel on the phone

Defeat the big metal spider


Defeat the thing from the deep

25/100 Secrets

Find 25 secrets

50/100 Secrets

Find 50 secrets

100/100 Secrets

Find 100 secrets

25 Normal Stars

Earn 25 stars on Normal

50 Normal Stars

Earn 50 stars on Normal

70 Normal Stars

Earn 70 stars on Normal

75 Normal Stars

Earn 75 stars on Normal

25 Advanced Stars

Earn 25 stars on Advanced

50 Advanced Stars

Earn 50 stars on Advanced

70 Advanced Stars

Earn 70 stars on Advanced

75 Advanced Stars

Earn 75 stars on Advanced

25 Master Stars

Earn 25 stars on Master

50 Master Stars

Earn 50 stars on Master

70 Master Stars

Earn 70 stars on Master

75 Master Stars

Earn 75 stars on Master


Complete 'Pure Sunlight' on Normal

Can you hear me now?

Complete 'Kein Signal' on Normal

Proxima Centauri

Complete 'Alpha Centauri' on Normal


Complete 'Some Kind of Monster' on Normal

Sequenz abgeschlossen

Complete 'Sequenz' on Normal

Gone fission

Complete 'Split the Atom' on Normal

No brakes

Complete 'I Can't Stop' on Normal

Haploteuthis ferox

Complete 'Stigma' on Normal

Kicking it

Complete 'Bass Cannon' on Normal

"Fear is the mind-killer"

Complete 'Habby 9000' on Normal


Complete 'Revenge' on Normal

Mission statement

Complete 'Katy on a Mission' on Normal


Complete 'The Edge of Tomorrow' on Normal

Still ill

Complete 'Ill Still' on Normal


Complete 'Get Crazy' on Normal


Complete 'Pure Sunlight' on Advanced

How about now?

Complete 'Pure Sunlight' on Advanced

4.37 light-years

Complete 'Alpha Centauri' on Advanced


Complete 'Some Kind of Monster' on Advanced

Erweiterte Sequenz

Complete 'Sequenz' on Advanced

Free energy

Complete 'Split the Atom' on Advanced

Out of the way!

Complete 'I Can't Stop' on Advanced


Complete 'Stigma' on Advanced

Kicked it

Complete 'Bass Cannon' on Advanced

"My name is a killing word"

Complete 'Habby 9000' on Advanced


Complete 'Revenge' on Advanced

Mission accomplished

Complete 'Katy on a Mission' on Advanced


Complete 'The Edge of Tomorrow' on Advanced

Iller still

Complete 'Ill Still' on Advanced

Getting crazy

Complete 'Get Crazy' on Advanced

Unfiltered electromagnetic radiation

Complete 'Pure Sunlight' on Master

Full bars

Complete 'Kein Signal' on Master

1.34 parsecs

Complete 'Alpha Centauri' on Master


Complete 'Some Kind of Monster' on Master

Beherrscht Sequenz

Complete 'Sequenz' on Master

Ernest Rutherford

Complete 'Split the Atom' on Master

You can stop now

Complete 'I Can't Stop' on Master

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

Complete 'Stigma' on Master

Let it kick it

Complete 'Bass Cannon' on Master

"He who controls the spice…"

Complete 'Habby 9000' on Master


Complete 'Revenge' on Master

Mission impossible

Complete 'Katy on a Mission' on Master


Complete 'The Edge of Tomorrow' on Master

Epic sickness

Complete 'Ill Still' on Master

Got crazy

Complete 'Get Crazy' on Master

90 Normal Stars

Earn 90 stars on Normal

90 Advanced Stars

Earn 90 stars on Advanced

90 Master Stars

Earn 90 stars on Master

Down with The Sickness

Complete 'The Sickness' on Normal

Witness The Sickness

Complete 'The Sickness' on Advanced

Feeling a lot better now

Complete 'The Sickness' on Master

Anger management

Complete 'Rage' on Normal

Take a deep breath

Complete 'Rage' on Advanced

Zen Master

Complete 'Rage' on Master

Tune up

Complete 'Dissonance Constant' on Normal

In tune

Complete 'Dissonance Constant' on Advanced

Restore harmony

Complete 'Dissonance Constant' on Master

105 Normal Stars

Earn 105 stars on Normal

105 Advanced Stars

Earn 105 stars on Advanced

105 Master Stars

Earn 105 stars on Master

Pulling me down

Complete 'Outsiders' on Normal

Falling deeper

Complete 'Outsiders' on Advanced

Leave me

Complete 'Outsiders' on Master

Forever alone

Complete 'We Won't be Alone' on Normal

How can I get you alone?

Complete 'We Won't be Alone' on Advanced

I think we're alone now

Complete 'We Won't be Alone' on Master

Put the echoes to rest

Complete 'Echoes of the Past' on Normal

Use the mask of Uroboros

Complete 'Echoes of the Past' on Advanced

Scan the anomaly

Complete 'Echoes of the Past' on Master

Giving it 115 percent

Find an extra 15 secrets

Giving it 130 percent

Find an extra 30 secrets

2 tane gizli başarım kaldı

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