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Game is good
Postat 16 octombrie 2023.
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EDIT: I have found a fix! So far it's been great, though it would be nice to have a FOV slider.

Old review: At the moment, THIS GAME DOES NOT WORK.

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME UNTIL IT IS PATCHED IF YOU HAVE A SIMILAR SETUP (SLI and Multi-Monitor) AS DETAILED BELOW. I will update this review if they fix this.

If you are using a several monitor and gpu setup, it doesn't launch ME1 or the others without crashing my graphics drivers and necessitating a reboot. Dual 2080 RTX supers in SLI. I've done a clean install of my graphics drivers, verified files and tried all the fixes at answers.ea.com. I believe the issue that as I have five monitors and one is at a different refresh rate than the other (144hz). Nvidia GPU manager and controls do not help, even restricting SLI to one card and forcing alternative rendering modes. DxDiag hasn't helped. Even messing around with registry to force single monitor selection doesn't work. I hope they fix this soon.
Postat 21 mai 2021. Editat ultima dată 22 mai 2021.
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