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1.3 hrs last two weeks / 287.6 hrs on record (64.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: Aug 29, 2023 @ 5:01am
Updated: Mar 29 @ 12:15pm

Updated review at 260 hours.

This game rules. It's all about grind, but that's okay. I think as a new player as long as you know what you're getting into, then it should be fine.

Getting new things and watching numbers go up is a lot of fun. The movement alone in this game is enough to keep you playing for quite a while.

When I say it's all about grind I really do mean that. Acquiring materials for any piece of weaponry, frames, ships, mechs, vehicles, or pieces for the aforementioned things, etc is a grind -

On top of this every activity set you can do in the game typically has a "faction' associated with it that has "standing" which is its own XP bar - you have daily limits for how much of this "standing" you can earn in a day and that number goes up as you increase your player level via creating and leveling up new weapons.

So even earning XP is a grind within a grind because you can't earn XP on an item once you've levelled it up to 30 (which only takes few hours at worst, and ~15 minutes at best) so now you have to craft weapons/gear you've not used before which involves more grinding to acquire materials and/or standing/farming/fishing/ in specific gamemodes/places etc.

Many people say this game is "Destiny 2, but better" - but I'm here to tell you the truth. This is actually Diablo. It's third person Diablo.

You go into randomly generated dungeons, kill hordes of dudes as an unstoppable killing machine to collect materials to craft things to make your unstoppable killing machine more unstoppable, to kill higher level swarms of dudes as an even more unstoppable killing machine.

There's some fun mini-game stuff here, like decorating player spaces, clans and clan space decorating, space fighting, a rogue-lite per-run mode where your build is randomly generated and you get better with "cards" from a "deck" at the end of each round in the run, mining, fishing, etc. Only thing I don't think this game has is woodcutting.

lots and lots to do here and lots to love. The game keeps getting better and they're always adding new stuff, while also making sure to update old stuff. Just recently the player hub (orbiter) got a visual buff.

It is overwhelming as a new player so bring a friend if you can. This game can feel like a leaning tower at times because they've added so many game systems over the years but they're always going back and updating stuff to improve QoL and reduce confusion.

The biggest weird thing about this game I would say though is something that not many bring up to new players and that is that the value of the in-game premium currency (Called "Platinum") is wildy inconsistent depending on how you acquire it.

This game has a full player economy to earn it via trading that you can earn as a F2P, they also hand out 25-75% off coupons (wait for a 75% if you can), and the price/performance ratio of anything that the devs offer through the in-game store is a complete and utter joke by comparison to what you can trade with players or earn via playing the game. (Example: new frames from DE's in game store can be ~3-500 platinum, but the "prime" version of that frame (the only version you can trade as a player to other players) which is better than the base frame currently offered in the store (not all frames have primes) may be anywhere from 75-150 platinum all in.

Basically: don't buy platinum for anything less than a login-bonus 75% off coupon, through a prime access pack, or via trading with other players.

Never: buy Regal Aya (biggest ripoff in the game), never buy plat a full price, and always use warframe(dot)market to find player trades to avoid getting scammed.

Anyways great game I love it thanks DE!!!
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