Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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19 van de 19 (100%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

I am an Observer

Complete your first Dream Eater sequence.
Ontgrendeld op 26 aug 2020 om 4:32

It’s a trap!

Survive Adam’s trapware.
Ontgrendeld op 31 aug 2020 om 8:36

The prodigal son

Embrace Adam.
Ontgrendeld op 31 aug 2020 om 11:32

A death in the family

Reject Adam.
Ontgrendeld op 31 aug 2020 om 11:44

Body snatcher

Decide the fate of the merging minds.
Ontgrendeld op 26 aug 2020 om 5:31

Pearls before swine

Decide the fate of the organ farm.
Ontgrendeld op 29 aug 2020 om 3:39


Decrypt Adam’s figurine.
Ontgrendeld op 29 aug 2020 om 3:13


Finish the game without dying.
Ontgrendeld op 31 aug 2020 om 11:32

Drug trail

Interrogate Amir’s clients.
Ontgrendeld op 26 aug 2020 om 9:51

A work in progress

Find all RC cars and recall a memory of Adam.
Ontgrendeld op 26 aug 2020 om 11:00

The root of all evil

Find and listen to all patient interview recordings.
Ontgrendeld op 31 aug 2020 om 9:53

By any other name

Find all roses and discover the final resting place.
Ontgrendeld op 30 aug 2020 om 10:33


Find 10 nanophage patient cards.
Ontgrendeld op 26 aug 2020 om 3:42


Find all nanophage patient cards in a single playthrough.
Ontgrendeld op 31 aug 2020 om 10:34

KPD! Open up!

Interrogate 20 tenants.
Ontgrendeld op 26 aug 2020 om 10:04

Altered states

Overdose on synchronization pills.
Ontgrendeld op 29 aug 2020 om 4:35

Voxel runner

Earn 3000 points during a single trapware run.
Ontgrendeld op 31 aug 2020 om 8:31


Analyze 100 objects.
Ontgrendeld op 26 aug 2020 om 5:34

Noble Sword

Complete all With Fire And Sword: Spiders arcade games
Ontgrendeld op 31 aug 2020 om 7:49