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6.3 hrs last two weeks / 1,422.2 hrs on record (1,419.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jul 2, 2019 @ 9:09pm
Updated: Jun 5 @ 4:34pm

I've played this game for years, and for a long time loved every second of it. Then, aimbots started appearing and making every game more focused around identifying who on your team is a bot and kicking them than actually playing.

The flood of bots is so bad that full teams can be overrun extremely quickly, and ruin games. I can't think of a single match I've played in the past two years that had zero bots for the entire session, at least one joined on either team.

Valve continues to make a lot of money off of this game, yet doesn't put much back into it. I get that it's a lot smaller than say CS2, but it's not negligible either with a massive loyal fanbase. If they did some work to help prevent bots, banned bot accounts, updated the game more frequently to keep cheaters on their toes, I think TF2 would be in a massively improved state. For now, it's almost unplayable.

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