United States
I'd be down for a Kirby movie if the Wachowski brothers direct, Joel Silver produces, and Keanu Reeves plays Kirby.

What does it mean when you join a game, they IMMEDIATELY put on the red, angry face, and don't start the game?

Have you ever thought what about is if come when over by then some everyone?


I was once woken up at 7 a.m. with a text asking: 'Hey Im heading to Best Buy how much is Steam? Cuz imma buy it lol'

Who in the love of toaster licking ♥♥♥♥ bunnies has the time, patience, or sheer insanity to play TF2 for over 7000 hours? You had better have spent most of that time idling for hats. Even so, assuming 6 hours played per day (a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ generous no-life estimate) you would would have to have been playing every single day for over 3 straight YEARS.

In some miraculous way, they survived the 12 nuclear explosions around them

I just played a game where 5 people were prone in a corridor with nuclear powered flashlights blinding everyone that came in and instant killing them.

Yeah, because pirates had to hire artists to draw treasure maps right? What are you, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid?

Wow, the level of rectal ragnarok in this thread is astounding.

Ever tried to hide a car in your pocket and then run someone over in anger?

I really want to play that Doug game now, just to find out what the ♥♥♥♥ the Doug button does. I mean, it's a game about Doug, and you play as Doug, so what in the ♥♥♥♥ can a Doug button possibly do?!

Doug's fantasies aren't exactly "traditional." Traditional male fantasies typically don't include being beaten in a bodybuilding competition by your own dog.

Basically he was just living his own life until he found out Dio wasn't dead. Then he kicked it into Sunlight Yellow Overdrive

> Turn on Xbox one
> Put in Xbox 360 game I bought from the flea market
> Xbox one forcibly spits the disc out and cuts into my intestines
> Lay on the floor bleeding to death
> "Xbox call ambulance"
> Xbox responds "now ordering 3 large pizzas from Pizza Hut"
> Lay quivering in pain "Xbox...why?"
> Picture of microsoft CEO comes up
> "we warned you anon. We are simply creating a new future. A perfect future."
> Die in a pool of my own blood
> With my last breath I curse the Xbox name and damn Microsoft to the deepest pit of hell
> Xbox responds "now adding extra cheesy bread sticks to order."

Halo 1's shotgun made up for it by being a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nuclear bomb at close range.

Not him, but in America that's like telling someone to willingly bankrupt themselves.
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裝B者 Feb 18, 2019 @ 9:16pm 
megaloblastic Jul 2, 2011 @ 12:02pm 
What was that? Win stuff?
megaloblastic Feb 23, 2010 @ 6:34pm 
Hey sorry I didnt respond to your txt a couple of weeks ago. Been busy. Know when you might be around again?
Scooty McFly May 13, 2009 @ 3:42am 
is that a picture of me?