Artorias 2024년 3월 30일 오후 2시 55분 
Carlos Drummond de Andrade
ded 2 2024년 1월 26일 오후 5시 44분 
baind of aisac
casteloc9 2022년 9월 17일 오후 8시 26분 
Chloe (www.filmevegano.com.br) 2022년 8월 7일 오전 6시 08분 
"E então a criatura saiu do chão, coberta de sangue e com olhos vazios. Ao chegar em nosso abrigo fez uma chuva de ouro começar." - matheus 9:11
timme120 2022년 7월 13일 오후 7시 31분 
esse é o carinha que gosta de isaac ? :icey_jump:
Def Haze 2022년 1월 12일 오후 7시 25분 
timme120 2021년 1월 24일 오전 10시 08분 
Melhor história de superação
Def Haze 2021년 1월 23일 오후 6시 45분 
The entire Meet the Medic script:

[Fade from black to a seemingly peaceful rocky hillside]

[Explosion from behind the hillside, RED Scout and wheelchair-bound RED Demoman rush over the hill. Tense music begins].

Scout: "Move cyclops, move!"

[Cut to Scout and [Demoman fleeing from a barrage of rockets.]

Scout: "Come on, come on, almost - augh!"

[Scout gets thrown sideways by a rocket; Demoman keeps going]

[Cut to Scout lying on the ground, he attempts to get to his knees but collapses.]

Scout: "Eerrrrgh! Argh."

[A trio of rockets arc down towards Scout, accompanied by a whistling noise]

[Scout turns toward the rockets]

Scout: "Whoah! What the f-"

[Cut to a long shot of the explosion, Scout is flung yelling and flailing towards the viewer]

Scout: "-uuuuu-"

[Scout smashes face-first into a pane of glass in the foreground, breaking it and startling a dove.]

Scout: "Medic..."

["Meet the Medic" card appears.]
Def Haze 2021년 1월 23일 오후 6시 45분 
[Cut to inside the building. As the Scout slides off the window, the camera tilts down and turns right]

Heavy: "Oh-hoh-ho no more!" [Heavy laughs loudly while the Medic explains simultaneously:]

Medic: "Wait, wait, wait, it gets better."

[A Little Heart to Heart is barely audible in the background. Camera continues to turn and tilt, revealing the Medic, casually chatting with an opened-up and conscious RED Heavy, whilst holding Heavy's heart in his hand. A prototype Medi Gun (the eventual Quick-Fix) mounted to an overhead rig is firing its beam into the Heavy]

Medic: "When the patient woke up, his skeleton was missing, and the doctor was never heard from again!" [Laughs madly]

[Heavy pauses momentarily, and laughs again, banging his palm on a tray of surgical tools next to him]

Medic: "Anyway, that's how I lost my medical license, heh." [Heavy suddenly looks very concerned]

[A dove pops up from inside Heavy's gut, surprising both the doctor and his patient]
Def Haze 2021년 1월 23일 오후 6시 45분 
Medic: "Archimedes! No!" [Shoos the dove away] "It's filthy in there! Eugh."

[Heavy looks at Medic in mild surprise. Medic does not notice]

Medic: "Birds." [Medic chuckles]

[Cut to a mechanical heart device on a tray. The word "Über" can be seen on a small charge meter]

[Medic grabs the device]

Medic: "Now, most hearts couldn't withstand this voltage," [Medic plugs the device into Heavy's heart and brings it into the Quick Fix's beam] "...but I'm fairly certain your heart..."

[Heavy's heart explodes]

[Cut to a trio of doves. Archimedes gets knocked off his perch by a piece of the Heavy's heart]

[Cut back to Medic, with Heavy in the background]

Heavy: "What was noise?"

[Medic quickly recovers from his surprise, casually removing the remains of Heavy's heart from the Über device]

Medic: "The sound of progress, my friend."

[Cut to Medic opening a refrigerator containing several hearts, a Sandvich, and a few beers. One exceptionally large heart is labeled "Mega Baboon"]
Def Haze 2021년 1월 23일 오후 6시 44분 
Medic: "Ah, perfect..." [Medic grabs the baboon heart, revealing the decapitated head of a BLU Spy in the back of the fridge, somehow sustained by a battery]

Spy Head: "Kill me."

Medic: "Later." [Closes fridge door]

[Cut to Medic standing by the Heavy, baboon heart and Über device in each hand]

Medic: "Where was I? Ah, there we go." [Jams device into heart]

[Cuts to Medic holding the cyborg heart in front of the medi beam]

Medic: "Come on, come on..." [Heart starts beating, Medic starts laughing madly as the heart starts flashing unevenly.]

[Heart glows red; Heavy laughs nervously]

[Cuts to the Über meter on the device going to full]

[Cuts to Medic, who has stopped laughing and is squinting and leaning his head away, as if expecting the heart to explode]

[Cuts back to perched doves for a brief moment. Archimedes has returned to his position on the perch, covered in blood, as the two doves on either side of him shuffle away from where he was standing when he was hit before]
Def Haze 2021년 1월 23일 오후 6시 44분 
[Heart stabilizes and stops glowing and gets overlaid by an ÜberCharge texture.]

Medic: "Oh, that looks good."

[Medic drops the heart into Heavy's open chest]

Medic: "Very nice there."

[Heavy looks at the heart] Heavy: "Should I be awake for this?"

Medic "Ah heh. Well, no, heh." [Medic adjusts his glasses] "But as long as you are, could you hold your rib cage open a bit?"

[Heavy moves his hand as if to adjust his rib cage as Medic is pushing the heart inside] "I can't... seem..."

[Cuts to Heavy's face as he yells out in pain as a crack is heard]

[Cuts to Heavy showing Medic a snapped off rib. Both look at it tentatively]

Medic: "Oh, don't be such a baby..." [Medic takes the rib from Heavy and pinches his cheek] "...ribs grow back!"

[Medic tosses the rib aside and turns to a dove sitting on top of the Quick-Fix]

Medic (whispering to the bird): "No they don't."

[Cuts to Archimedes, who ♥♥♥♥♥ his head and flies away]
Def Haze 2021년 1월 23일 오후 6시 44분 
[Medic swings the Quick-Fix over to the open Heavy and raises the power]

[The Quick-Fix completely heals the Heavy, as if by magic, even repairing and sewing his clothes]

Heavy (impressed): [Inhales deeply] "What happens now?"

[Medic helps Heavy up] Medic: "Now?" [Chuckles] "Let's go practice medicine..."

[Cuts to Medic putting on his gloves, coat, and Quick-Fix while Medic! plays]

[Cuts to a door bearing the red cross opening to reveal the Medic and his doves]

[Heavy runs past Medic with Sasha ready]

[Cuts to show a battlefield outside Medic's office with a RED Engineer and Sniper hiding behind cover, the injured Scout on the ground, and the wheelchair-bound RED Demoman wheeling frantically towards the Medic]

Demoman: "Medic!" [Demoman gets blown off his wheelchair by several rockets, landing face-first on the ground in front of Medic]

[Medic grimaces, then pushes his glasses up his nose and flips a switch on the Quick-Fix]
Def Haze 2021년 1월 23일 오후 6시 43분 
[Music intensifies as a healing beam is fired at the Demoman, healing him completely. Demoman nods toward the Medic, picks up his Stickybomb Launcher, and heads back towards the battlefield]

[Medic then fires the Quick-Fix at the RED Scout, fixing him up also, even restoring the Scout's missing tooth.]

[The Scout leaps to his feet]

Scout: "Yeah!" [The Scout grabs his Bat from out of the air as he gets up and runs off] "Woohoohoo!"

[Heavy hides behind a red truck as the Scout runs past]

[Scout runs up to a BLU Soldier and whacks him with his bat] Scout: "Oh yeah!"

[Cuts to show a massive horde of BLU Soldiers coming over the crest of the hill] Heavy: "Doctor!"

[Cuts to Heavy] Heavy: "Are you sure this will work?!"

[Music quells]

[Cuts to Medic] Medic: "Ha ha ha, I have no idea!"
Def Haze 2021년 1월 23일 오후 6시 43분 
[Medic flips a switch, and a panel lights up as a meter labeled "Voltmeter" reaches full. The words "ÜberCharge Ready" can be seen on the panel, and the music swells again. Medic's backpack starts humming with power]

[Medic fires the Quick-Fix at the Heavy, who pops out from his cover]

Heavy: "EYAAAAAAAAAH!" [Cuts to show Heavy's mega baboon heart beating rapidly, then cuts back to show Heavy glowing with ÜberCharge power] "HA HA!"

[Medic and the ÜberCharged Heavy advance under rocket fire, and Heavy starts laughing]

[RED Engineer, wielding the Frontier Justice, and RED Sniper, wielding the Sniper Rifle, watch bewildered as the Heavy glows with power and shrugs off volleys of rockets]

[Cuts back to the Heavy, still advancing] Heavy: "I am bulletproof!"

[Heavy keeps moving, mowing down BLU Soldier after BLU Soldier]

[Cuts to BLU Soldiers falling over dead in rapid succession]
Def Haze 2021년 1월 23일 오후 6시 43분 
[Medic and Heavy climb atop the pile of dead Soldiers and a flock of doves fly overhead as music crescendos]

[Ending title card appears and accompanying music plays]

[Cuts to waiting room. The camera passes over the rest of the RED team, who are doing things to pass the time. The Engineer is playing his guitar, Spy is looking at his ticket, Pyro is reading and flicking a lighter, Soldier is standing at attention, Demoman is drinking from his Bottle, and Sniper is sleeping]

Medic (off-screen): "That looks good. Very nice there. Yes!"

Scout (off-screen): "Hey, thanks doc!"

[A 'ding' is heard as the "Now Serving" sign changes to number 2. Everyone in the waiting room looks toward the door]

[Scout emerges from the operating room, his chest glowing]

Scout (gallant): "Awhawhaw, man! You would not BELIEVE ... how much this hurts."

[Muffled dove coos, and Scout's chest moves. Cuts to black.]

Medic: "Archimedes?"
[hunter RODY] 2021년 1월 6일 오전 5시 02분 
Br 🇧🇷. Sou Fan De Madness Combat
ralphvevo 2020년 12월 31일 오후 2시 09분 
Theves 2020년 12월 18일 오전 6시 49분 
Demented 2020년 12월 17일 오전 11시 23분 
yoo nice pfp dude, amazing
ralphvevo 2020년 10월 30일 오전 4시 49분 
cuh :)
.R 2020년 3월 25일 오후 6시 34분 
tf2 é minha rola
Skylairo 2020년 3월 1일 오후 12시 22분 
+rep for a good game!
Demented 2019년 12월 15일 오후 11시 00분 
Soshite tsudoishi stardust
Hyakunenn me no mezame ni yobarete
Otokotachi wa mukau
Toki no suna wo koeru journey

Kusari no you tsuranaru karami au
Hikari de tatsu sadame

(Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!)
Uchikomu no wa
(All right now, all right now, all right now)
Hokori no bullet
Jojo! Jojo! Jojo!
(Break you down, break you down, break you down)
Kobushi hanatsu
Seinaru vision STAND PROUD!!!!
Theves 2019년 12월 14일 오후 12시 28분 
Rip meu amiginho teemo :(
timme120 2019년 8월 17일 오후 2시 50분 
eu so o shadow man
Theves 2018년 6월 26일 오후 6시 04분 
kkk eae men