SEAL OR NO SEAL   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
My Trade URL : https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=296376300&token=XhOtK0P4

My First Rank : Gold Nova III
My Rank At the moment : Silver elite Master

Knife History:

Butterfly knife I fade (FN)
Gut knife I safari mesh (BS)
M9 Bayonet I Forest DDPAT (BS)
Gut knife I forest ddpat (FT)
Bayonet I Boreal forest (FT)
Huntsman knife I night (WW)
flip knife I stained (FT)
gut knife I blue steel (MW)
gut knife I crimson web (FT)
butterfly knife I safari mesh (FT)
huntsman knife I safari mesh (MW)
bayonet I urban masked (WW)
M9 bayonet I urban masked (FT)
butterfly knife I urban masked (FT)
Currently Offline
if you're here looking at this you're probably here for 1 of 2 likely reasons, all of which I have prepared responses for!

1. You know me. If this is the case, I feel compelled to let you know I hate you with a burning passion and that the very thought of you browsing my profile makes me hate you that much more...

2. You want skins. If this is the case, you can directly send me a trade-offer here. Please DONT add me to trade as I frequently hit Ignore All and you may be lost in the cesspit of scammers, phishing bots, and other accounts I have no intention of adding. You're also welcome to donate to help fund my gambling addiction enterprise.

Unless you're offering for something of significant value such as a Howl or high tier knife, do not ask to be added, send me a trade offer. Stupid offers will be rejected. Verbal abuse may come free of charge depending on levels of stupidity detected. (I've never actually dispensed any, too much effort.)

PS Just ignore the whole bio cant be arsed making a new one
Arxcher Aug 25, 2022 @ 6:49am 
accept ♥♥♥♥
6 eyes Nov 24, 2020 @ 11:51pm 
here to tell you your friend is a ♥♥♥♥
duplantieR Apr 7, 2016 @ 7:47am 
+rep good trader :D
Lil Tom Apr 6, 2016 @ 11:18am 
+rep awesome guy
BLACKJOKER1506 Mar 27, 2016 @ 12:10pm 
yes my man
Trojyn [FGOT] Mar 5, 2016 @ 11:28am 
Weaboo 4 lyf