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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 799.3 hrs on record (596.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: Sep 10, 2022 @ 7:25pm
Updated: Sep 10, 2022 @ 7:50pm

A great way to wind down and chill. This is a relaxing (albeit addicting) zen-style game where you can just turn off your brain, zone out, and color.

The vast majority of this game is DLC, but you can pick and choose which packs interest you the most. As of this review, it costs about $55 to unlock everything, with a new $0.99 DLC being released each month. Each DLC usually has 20 images ranging in art style, complexity, and size.

The easier images take mere minutes to complete, while the harder ones might need an hour (or more) each. The extremely hard ones (like Wreath, Clownfish, Renewable Energy, etc) take several hours apiece. And then there's r/Place -- a free pack containing 16 of the largest and most complex images in the whole game. You're looking at 2+ weeks for that pack alone.

If you're a completionist, know what you're getting into! This game takes hundreds of hours to complete (1100+ images total), and you will need to buy and finish a new DLC every month to keep your 100%.
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