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Recent reviews by Etcetera_Naut

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0.8 hrs on record
right to the point.

A lot of the characters are slidey and mobility has a lot of growing to go. Attacks feel sticky and dodgeroll doesn't go far enough for the kind of spam on the screen. Jumps feel short and almost useless, melee combat feels bad and is too easily punishable for a game about fighting anime characters an, and a point I'll dig into more the UI feels BAD.
Like, controls? unintuitive.
Menus? Too thick and disorienting. Making item management obnoxious (also escape menu has transition animation when in match and you lose over 2 seconds if you misinput)
Character hud UI is garbage. Your main abilities are on the opposite side of the screen from your health (which can drop like a rock) and they mark the abilities with a noticable Alpha, beta, and gamma letters and your actual bindings are a flat grey key.
Also, the UI just came out kinda ugly, I know they were just trying to blend with the primary color usage of the anime, but it didn't work out right.
Game isn't unplayable, but seems to ultimate just satisfy MHA fans while offering nothing more than a slighty higher quality than your average Shonen Roblox Server
Posted October 3, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.9 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Realistic experience. If this has happened to you in life it will definately throw you back into a deep depression. Anyone else who has gone through this, I'm so sorry you suffered this pain too.

Posted September 29, 2016.
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