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Diposting: 22 Mei 2021 @ 10:43pm

I have played this game for over 1000 days worth of in-game playtime (24,000 hours) on the Non-Steam (Java) version. Take advice from someone who has seen the highs and lows of this game, and hear me when I say the highs are a thing long in the past.

This is going to be extremely long winded, but I'm hoping to provide as much context and supportive evidence as I can in this review so that people who don't know what they're getting into can understand the game at the finer level that I understand it and its community, having played Wurm for over 11 years.

My first experience logging into this game was simply magically intoxicating. I have no other words to describe it. Digital avatars bustling up and down the streets of what was then just called "Freedom" but would later be renamed to "Independence". People selling things, buying things, transporting things/animals, people building things... 5 minutes into this game and I was hooked. It was more alive than any other game I had ever seen, with a very close and tightknit community. Deeds were scattered just about everywhere, all along the highways, and in the forests.. ALL of them were populated, no village was empty. Very rare was it to find a deed where just a single person lived, because they were costly enough that people usually had to pool their efforts to get one. This was 2009.

Fast forward 11 years to 2021. You could put yourself basically anywhere on any server, choose a former metropolis even if you'd like - You'll not find a single soul in your local for many miles. The game world feels empty, and abandoned. Peak population is less than half what it used to be. The people that still care, all live at deeds by themselves, since a deed is so cheap now that anyone can have 10 if they want. Good luck finding a spot where you have some friendly neighbors, either. The game's culture itself has taken a turn for the worse and settling within local of someone else's middle-of-nowhere-deed will usually net you a hostile response from said individual.

Developer Choice:
What I am trying to get across here is that the Developers over the past 5 or 6 years, have been consciously making choices which have been driving players away from their game, new and old alike. The game has their own ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ forum, there is a section called "Suggestions and Ideas" - inside that subforum there are 298,446 posts, of which many have been liked by the community countless times and advocated for. Of those nearly 300,000 posts, there are maybe about 50 suggested features that have made it into the game. It's not because there haven't been any quality suggestions, or things that the community has really gotten behind. No, the Developers of this game simply do not care about providing quality content. They do not care about the community behind the game, or those that pay them money. The game has not seen a significant content update in... years.

The last piece of endgame content the game had added to it was Rifts (some 3 years ago now) and they are complete and utter trash. No one in their right mind would ever spend 5 to 6 hours staring at their screen while their equipment takes absurd amount of damage... all for... what's the reward? Oh, right lol. There really isnt one. Nothing that a Rift could provide you would ever be useful to you once you're strong enough to actually participate in one.

Then there was Jackal. Jackal was the new content after that. Basically you got to start over (uhm, thanks?) from nothing and try to gain skills on this weird alien planet, with the promise that some of the skill you gained on Jackal would transfer to your original character. Well, what they forgot to mention to any of us was that the amount of skill that would transfer was so low it was virtually nonexistant. Most people who skilled up to 70 in something on jackal gained maybe 0.3 of a skillpoint if they were below 90. If you were already above 90 you just didnt gain anything. 10 of 10 ENDGAME CONTENT

Developer Corruption:
As if you needed any more reasons to avoid this game, there are in fact more. There are numerous well-documented cases of nepotism and favoritism amongst the development and GM teams within Wurm. You have to keep in mind that all the Devs and GM's of this game, are players too. There is a special select group of "Golden Bois" whom you cannot question or speak contrary to in this game. Doing so results in a permanent ban from the game and all traces of your existence permanently deleted. Doesnt matter whether you've been a paying subscriber for 5 or 8 or 10 years.

On the PVP server Chaos, our main enemy was predominantly the GM/Developer teams. The weapons and armour our faction used were nerfed when we started winning fights.. funnily enough med mauls (the weapon our enemy mainly used) got a 45% damage buff. At one instance a number of our players had their main weapons Removed from their hands, BY THE HEAD GM because they were bugged weapons that we had obtained FROM THE ENEMY FACTION. Enemy faction was told they were allowed to make/use said weapons with impunity. Soon as we got hold of them, they were taken from us.

Our kingdom's chancellor was a GM, who had played the game basically since its inception. One day he was randomly stripped of his GM powers and within 2 hours of this happening, his deed is "raided" and hundreds of EUR worth of ingame assets were stolen from him. This was done through the use of an exploit which allowed a group of "Golden Bois" to basically walk through the mine defences as if they weren't there. None of the players involved in the exploit, were ever banned. They all still play the game to this very day. None of the items were ever found or returned. They possess the power to retrieve it all and give it all back to him in the blink of an eye - but they won't because of an ingame factional line. They treat us as second rate players when all we've ever done is pay them money to try and enjoy their game.

The Road To Redemption:
The reality is, at this point, there is no way to ever "redeem" or "save" Wurm. No amount of doing it right could ever repair the damage all the corruption, apathy, and ingenuity have done to your game title over the last decade. You simply waited far too long. Eventually your players get fed up with your inactivity and decide to seek better pastures. This is what has happened to Wurm, en masse. I was told by the CEO that there was potential they might do something to address the "dwindling community" aspect of the game, after steam. Alas, here we are, a year after steam. Nothing has changed, even in the slightest.

It's not all bad:
Please try to understand my reasoning for the above negative comments. I have invested a decade into this game only to watch it be ruined. That said, Wurm has some incredible potential - even though nearly all of it has long since been squandered away by an incompetent dev team. Here are the notable highlights, before I run out of characters:

Non-XP-based skillsystem, skills feel natural and good to grind. Every action makes you better at what you do.
Items all feel much more real and tangible than those in other games, enchant system and mod system a major plus.
Everything you see was made by a player. Anything you see can be destroyed.
Game has no embedded lore - the history of the player's actions becomes the lore and stories retold.
True freedom in a sandbox fantasy RPG-type environment.
Incredible level of fidelity and miniscule detail to the environment.
Game used to have really strong community interactions and a great neighborhood-vibe to it. Not anymore sadly.
No class system, train any combination of skills to any level you desire.
More than 200 skills! Seriously, if you like grinding you will never run out of stuff to do in this game.

EpicPhail (Felinas)
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68 Komentar
platyna 24 Des 2023 @ 3:12pm 
@DummyPetals I would love to join a class action against this company. I threw 1k euro at them, and they perm banned me for nothing because I asked a moderator a question. I wasn't even rude, and I had no previous offences.
DummyPetals 20 Des 2023 @ 6:33pm 
Everyone here really should ask for their money to be refunded and a court case should be opened against the company for all of it's corruption. If people are getting banned the way they say they are and if all of these misdeeds are really happening, then there is grounds for a lawsuit.
DummyPetals 20 Des 2023 @ 6:31pm 
"It's not all bad" yet the first three parts of this comment absolutely destroy anyone's will to try this game out.
Gromlak Beardgrip 3 Des 2023 @ 7:50am 
@EpicPhail - I would not put money into this game (it has been in my library for ages), it has always been (graphically) terrible, but really enjoyable, however, I tried it out a short time before the review and it sucked - And if they want to ban people and make them lose all the crap they paid for because they can't beat the player, let them try and milk it and fail, hopefully it should push those scumbags out of the industry where they cannot stitch people up and ruin their fun - As sad as it may be to see a game i used to like fall victim to greed and poor sportsmanship, in this day and age, there are hundreds and thousands or other amazing games being made from developers who actually care, and with it, new memories to be made - People are obviously realising what they're like, otherwise their other games wouldn't flop too - So it is their company's future that hangs in the balance - It's good you raise this, though - I hate it when games do this
EpicPhail 28 Nov 2023 @ 5:48pm 
The new CEO has no incentive to make a good game. He only has incentive to maximize the milking of the playerbase before he is inevitably fired at the end of the year. GCG as a company is on its last leg, and Wurm is their only remaining project which hasn't gone bankrupt. So they are siphoning funds away from Wurm to make other projects, rather than reinvesting it into Wurm. This game couldn't possibly have been handed down a more absolute death-sentence.
EpicPhail 28 Nov 2023 @ 5:48pm 
@Gromlak as much as I am truly against giving GCG money - Wurm Unlimited is still a very good value for what you get. And it can be had on steam sale quite cheaply. With tempered expectations, it can still provide some decent fun / nostalgia.

The company themselves haven't changed one bit in the three years since this review's posting. GCG forced a new CEO into the picture, who promised everything failing MMO's typically promise. More transparency, better updates, more content, yada yada.

What we got in reality, was more heavily-incentivized pay-to-win structures, and skins which look like they'd take any decent artist about 15 seconds to put together, sold on a microtransaction shop for absurd prices (around 8 to 10 USD a piece). A bunch of crap no one ever asked for, and none of the stuff we did.
Gromlak Beardgrip 18 Nov 2023 @ 6:04pm 
Thanks for the review, it is really good to know what the devs are really like, and currently WU is around the £23 mark!
I had a lot of fun playing this years ago, so thankfully i haven't had to sink that hefty sum into this game, but as an MMO it really did have potential, a truly unique game that focused on creativity and exploration

I recently installed Wurm Unlimited again as I wanted to relive that nostalgia of all the fun times I had on the game, but after reading this and realising what they're actually like, I will uninstall it again and probably never touch it.

Thanks for exposing them for the scamming babies that they are - I'll be sure to look out for the developer in other games to, so i can boycott them as well - leopards don't change their spots
Toyturfy 18 Nov 2023 @ 8:01am 
I do suppose the main point of reference was unrestricted exploration and building pay monthly subscription to get skills past 20 to build larger ride more freely basically saying you have heavy restriction even if you pay for backwater membership is what I got from this but I would also state the sheer idiocy that is expecting people who want money to satisfy something other than their empty pocket naturally I would assume any game created with the ideologies of this generation will consist of half baked over hyped and used to promote their next title kind of experience as it becomes more painfully aware that the hard work that has gone into the older titles from developers who didnt have all these shortcuts are still expecting double S pay for triple F effort nearly all games are playing out the same it was good it was interactive now dont touch it
EpicPhail 4 Mar 2023 @ 8:53am 
For the record Wurm Unlimited has been abandoned by GCG. It doesn't even receive updates anymore. Telling me to go and play a version of the game that was literally abandoned by the company that made it makes absolutely no sense. It failed/flopped for a reason. There's a reason you can get it for 2 bucks on sale. It's a bad game with nothing to really do. None of the achievements in Wurm, none of the things you can do, actually mean anything at all unless there are other people IN that world to also enjoy them with you.
EpicPhail 4 Mar 2023 @ 8:48am 
@Ninjai You are the one that seems to not get it. Wurm Unlimited is a private server based shard, of Wurm Online. I Don't want to play my own private shard where I cannot interact with others. Nor do I want to play with myself and a small group of friends, I want to play in the same world as everyone else. This is the spirit of an MMO game, and it's the core concept of Wurm. Community.

You're pushing what is essentially a singleplayer experience as a replacement for an MMO. Sure you can customize it all you want, but no one else is going to ever see or experience your world or what you build. And no one will care if they do, cause it's not even an official server.

Wurm Unlimited misses both the point and the mark by miles, if you like it that's fine. But please leave my review comment section with your whiteknighting for GCG as they've done nothing to deserve your backing and will take your money and give you nothing in return just as quickly as they did to me.