For who among us has touched the foundations of this world and deemed them solid?
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Why I Game
As a child, the allure of videogames was in their certainty—the clear rules, the tangible achievements, the controllable outcomes. Amid a world too vast and complex for a young kid to navigate, they were sanctuaries where the challenges I faced were surmountable. Each victory, each level conquered, was a lesson in persistence and problem-solving, a small but significant reassurance that I had agency and control.

Adolescence brought with it the tumult of identity and the quest for belonging. Here, too, videogames played a pivotal role. Forums and in-game chat rooms teemed with fellow travelers on this journey of self-discovery. Among classmates, discussions of last night's adventures in distant galaxies or fantasy realms provided a common language, a way to bridge the gaps that teenage awkwardness had wrought.

Now, in the early stages of adulthood, faced with the pressures and stresses that accompany our quest for a place in the world, videogames have assumed yet another role. They are no longer just escapes or platforms for community building but have become vital tools for managing the anxieties of life. In the rhythm of their narratives, the challenge of their quests, and the camaraderie found in online battles, there is a therapeutic quality. Games became a way to connect with friends after I had moved away, a bridge over the gaps that life had put between us. They were a reason to come together, to share experiences, to laugh, and to make new memories.

This is an acknowledgment of gaming's role in shaping my understanding of the world and my place within it. In the virtual victories and defeats, in the camaraderie of online allies and the solitude of single-player narratives, I find gateways to understanding, platforms for connection, and spaces for reflection.

This medium and this community has been a teacher, a friend, and a mirror, shaping me in ways for which I am eternally grateful. To game is to engage in a dialogue with oneself and with the broader human culture. Games have always offered me not to flee from reality, but to engage with it on different terms.
Morro Jote ♥ 20 FEB 2018 a las 9:44