Hood Kirby
้ป„   Shanghai, China
๐Ÿ’— https://streamable.com/j1oy4x ๐Ÿ’ฃ

ํ˜„์žฌ ์˜คํ”„๋ผ์ธ
์Šคํฌ๋ฆฐ์ƒท ์ „์‹œ๋Œ€
2 1
Original Work
You weakly call out to the wizard, who is already disappearing from sight. "I have AIDS," you say, hoping to warn them of any potential risks. The wizard nods and gives you a small wave before disappearing completely. You're left alone in your hospital bed, holding the potion and wondering what to do next. The wizard says "no problem nรญgga, gotta blast". The wizard says "no problem nรญgga, gotta blast". The wizard says "no problem nรญgga, gotta blast". The wizard says "no problem nรญgga, gotta blast". You consider drinking the potion, but you're hesitant. You don't know what it is or what it will do to you. Plus, you have a lot of questions for the wizard, like where they came from and how they knew about the mutated fetus. The wizard, now completely disappeared, leaves you alone with the shimmering potion in your hand. You consider drinking it, but you're hesitant - you don't know what it could do to you, and with your weakened state, you're not sure if it's worth the risk. The wizard's words echo in your mind as you consider your options. You know that you need to focus on your recovery and undergo the necessary therapy, but the idea of drinking the potion is tempting. You don't know what it does, but the wizard seemed confident that it would help. The wizard's words echo in your mind as you stare at the potion in your hand. "No problem nรญgga, gotta blast." You're not sure what the wizard means, but you're feeling more and more vulnerable by the minute. Your injuries are severe, and you know that you need medical attention if you want to survive.
The echo of the wizard's voice grows louder and more insistent in your mind. "No problem nรญgga, gotta blast." You begin to feel a sense of urgency, as if the potion is the only thing that can save you.
The echo of the wizard's voice becomes almost deafening, drowning out all other sounds. "NO PROBLEM NรGGA, GOTTA BLAST." You can feel the potion's power radiating from the vial, urging you to drink it.
You carefully unstopper the vial and bring it to your lips. The shimmering liquid inside looks and smells strange, but you're desperate for any kind of relief from your pain. You take a small sip, and the potion tastes bitter and metallic. "Nรญgga, this taste like ass."
The words "this tastes like ass" echo in your mind as the potion's effects begin to take hold. You feel a warm sensation spreading through your body, starting at your stomach and radiating outward. Your injuries begin to ache less, and your head feels clearer. You realise that the potion was a bottle of liquid LSD. You are starting to trip hard. As the LSD takes effect, your surroundings begin to warp and distort. The hospital room around you becomes a swirling kaleidoscope of colors and shapes, and you feel as if you're floating in mid-air. The pain from your injuries fades away, replaced by a sense of weightlessness and detachment.
You start yelling the same words as Chief Keef, your voice ringing out in the distorted hospital room. "No problem nรญgga, gotta blast!" The words echo through your mind, merging with the swirling colors and shapes that surround you. Chief Keef takes your hand and whispers "you are safe now" As you continue to yell "No problem nรญgga, gotta blast!" the hospital room around you becomes even more distorted and surreal. Colors swirl and blend together, creating a kaleidoscope effect that is both mesmerizing and disorienting.
You ask Chief Keef, who is still holding your hand, if he has seen [REDACTED] around here somewhere. But Chief Keef just gives you a blank stare and shakes his head. It's unclear if he's real or just a hallucination, but he doesn't seem to know who [REDACTED] is. Chief keef says, "oh you mean that nรญgga who sold me bath salts?" You're not sure if Chief Keef is telling the truth or not, but you don't have time to dwell on it. The effects of the LSD are becoming more intense, and you're starting to feel detached from reality. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.
You ask Chief Keef, who is still standing next to you, if bรญtches really do love Sosa. Chief Keef chuckles and nods his head. "Yeah, man, Sosa got game. Bรญtches love a man who knows how to handle himself." Chief Keef starts undressing and dancing suggestively, and you're not sure if this is really happening or just a hallucination. The LSD is making it hard to tell what's real and what's not. You shake your head, trying to clear the distorted thoughts from your mind.
You quickly realize that the foaming from your mouth is a side effect of the LSD, and you try to stay calm as the substance continues to affect your mind and body. Chief Keef, or the hallucination of him, continues to dance and undress, but you pay him no mind. Chief Keef starts touching you sexually but you quickly push his hands away, reminding yourself that this is just a hallucination and not reality. You take a deep breath and try to focus on something else, anything else, to take your mind off of the distorted and surreal world around you.
As you continue to yell "No problem nรญgga, gotta blast!" the hospital room around you becomes even more distorted and surreal. The colors swirl and blend together, creating a kaleidoscope effect that is both mesmerizing and disorienting. Suddenly, you see a figure emerging from the chaos. The LSD effects starts to wear down, you are back to reality. However, Chief Keef is still there. The figure is a wizard, dressed in flowing robes and carrying a staff adorned with glowing runes. He looks at you with a stern expression and says, "Enough games. It's time to focus." Chief Keef was the wizard
all along, using his appearance to get your attention and help you focus. He looks at you with a serious expression and says, "The LSD has clouded your mind, but now it's time to clear your thoughts and concentrate. We have work to do." You say "Focus pocus" to the wizard, trying to lighten the mood. The wizard looks at you with a blank expression for a moment, then breaks into a smile. "Very well," he says. "Let us focus and see what we can do."
You ask Chief Keef, who has now revealed himself to be the wizard, if he wants to be your friend. The wizard chuckles and nods his head. "Of course, I am here to help you. But we have important matters to attend to. We need to clear your mind of the LSD and focus on the task at hand." The wizard smiles and takes off his robes. The wizard, still in the form of Chief Keef, chuckles and nods his head. He then takes off his robes, revealing his naked body. "Focus on this, my friend," he says, gesturing to his genitals. "Use it as a focal point to clear your mind of the LSD and center yourself."
You ask Chief Keef, who is still in his naked form, if he will suck your balls. The wizard looks at you with a surprised expression for a moment, then bursts into laughter. "Ah, my friend, you do have a sense of humor! But I'm afraid I must decline." Chief Keef starts to rub his 12 inch dรญck "Focus on this my friend" The wizard, still in the form of Chief Keef, shakes his head and smiles at you. He begins to stroke his 12 inch dรญck, still using it as a focal point to help you clear your mind. "Use this as your focus, my friend," he says.
As you reach for your machete, the wizard, still in the form of Chief Keef, looks at you with a shocked expression. "Wait!" he exclaims. "There's no need for that. We can find another way to focus your mind." But it's too late. As you bring the machete down, Chief Keef, in a swift and unexpected move, pins your arm down. He looks at you with a serious expression and says, "No, this is not the way. We can find another way to focus your mind." Chief Keef slowly penetrates you with his 12 inch dรญck, causing you to wince in pain. Despite the initial shock and discomfort, you feel a strange sense of clarity and focus wash over you. The LSD's effects are completely gone, and you are now fully present in the moment.
์ตœ๊ทผ ํ™œ๋™
๊ธฐ๋ก์ƒ 34์‹œ๊ฐ„
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