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Zamieszczono 26 sierpnia 2017 o 21:32
Zaktualizowano 26 sierpnia 2017 o 21:34

You start out weak with nothing but a wrench as a weapon, to fight off these shapeshifting spider-like things that have taken over a space station. Reminds me of bio shock or maybe HalfLife. So far, I find it interesting and although I only have one achievement, the game has kept my interest.

That said, there have been some glitches with game load andsave after Nvidia released a GeForce update, but thankfully that's now fixed.
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Komentarzy: 2
Ejay [bluestreak] 30 sierpnia 2017 o 16:32 
After six hours, this game continues to kick my ass.
BridgetFisher 26 sierpnia 2017 o 22:57 
This game did what the devs couldnt do in the new Prey ten years later, have working mirrors.