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投稿日: 2015年11月10日 10時23分
更新日: 2021年1月27日 13時15分

Target Audience: Anyone wanting a good SHMUP.


Solid across the board is the name of the game with Stardust Galaxy Warriors. It's not a game that takes it self too seriously, as you fight everything from a giant talking asteroid to a giant disco ball. What stands out here is the customization and options that are available. Your weapon load outs will play to specific play styles that will do well in parts of levels but not in others, and it helps that the local co-op can play to the game's strengths in question. The customization of fire rates, enemy durability and power ups help to create an experience that can work for any player in the end, giving challenge for those SHMUP pros while scaling back the experience for those who need a little help. Also: props to the fantastic soundtrack here: it's the highlight of the game and frankly makes me recommend the soundtrack as a purchase in of itself, even if you don't like SHMUPs. Does the game's combat over time drag a tiny bit? Yes it does, but in the end, for a 10 dollar title, you can't get much better then the bang for buck that this game provides.

Gameplay Footage and Video Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_rkwYRPnZg

  • Customization options for gameplay is one of the strongest in the genre this year, or of many SHMUP like games I've played. Customization of fire rates, enemy durability, and what power ups do makes a game that can tailor itself to you specifically, if you put the time into it. While it can screw with the balance, the default selections do a good job to balance, and it's your decision in the end.
  • Fantastic Soundtrack. Well worth a look by itself.
  • Weapon and Mech selections make a huge difference, as you can really change up your playstyle based on what your selection is. Coop choices makes a difference.
  • Some backgrounds are fantastic (the water level in particular). The graphics options are great for a game of this cost, and while it doesn't take every opportunity for the visual style to come through, it's pretty fantastic.
  • The controls are solid.
  • The 4th wall breaking humor does the job. It's a cheesy storyline, but hey, did you expect otherwise?

  • The Gauntlet mode could use a little bit more punch in the end. It feels very similar after a couple of plays. Over time, the game does have slight trouble in variety.
  • Boss patterns needs a little bit more as they repeat too often.
  • It's hard to see the detail on the Mechs that they put on them
  • Like other games in the genre, sometimes there's too much on the screen, and the explosions and bullets can get lost in the visuals.

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