Hello and welcome! I make money by trading. I love trading and it has been big part of my life.
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1 195
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I have very good reputation. Have been trading for 1 year
| steamname: JimmyJam
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:54782369
| steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069830466
Watch out for impersonators, always check STEAMID64 before trading with me.
1000+ hours on tf2.

Ignore the message when trading just mad kids lol
bumbton 9 janv. 2015 à 1h21 
bumbton 9 janv. 2015 à 1h21 
bumbton 9 janv. 2015 à 1h21 
hahah vac ban
hacker ♥♥♥♥♥
✪ mrvN 2 oct. 2014 à 12h16 
rep+ nice guy !!
oracle 13 déc. 2013 à 11h05 
+rep, great trader!
Smaragd Beryl 14 oct. 2013 à 2h10 
+rep patient trader