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3 people found this review helpful
4.5 hrs on record
Terribly annoying game

Barrier X is an arcade game in which we have to move between lines and thus evade obstacles. Sometimes there will be an opponent that we can shoot down, or rather, it is done by flying machines sent by us so it happens automatically. Sometimes a wall needs to be hit, and sometimes the game forces us to move in a certain direction.

There are 7 levels in the game, and each level differs from the previous one with more mechanics. That is, at the beginning we will only evade obstacles, later we get to destroy specific obstacles. In such a way, the last level is a combination of all mechanics. It should be noted that, except for the greater number, the levels are not structurally different from each other.

In general, the game as well as each separate level has no specific goal. All we have to do is stay on the map as long as possible. And that's basically it, the game is focused only on screwing up records on each level. There is no storyline here, no unlocking of the next ships we control or any other elements that would encourage us to play further.

Controls are simple, we only need four buttons: A and D (or left and right arrows), Space/Q and ENTER/E. Moving around the tracks has some lag, which makes the longer we play this title the more annoying it becomes. Shooting, as I mentioned before, is automatic. That is, we can shoot at enemies, but they are automatically targeted after the shot is fired.

Here I also want to mention that if we don't change our track to the one the game punishes us for, our ship locks up. I don't know who came up with such an idiotic idea for such a fast-paced game, but it is a very poorly thought-out element.

On the one hand, the graphics are ok, they even give the game atmosphere, but on the other hand, they get in the way terribly. Graphic effects make the game more difficult, but also not very visible. For example, from behind the walls you can't see more walls on the nearby tracks, and more than once I happened to hit a wall that was right behind the one I just bypassed.


In general, I don't know if the developers even played the game before releasing it. The controls are tragic, the game itself has so many effects that sometimes I didn't know if I was still playing the game or if I was at the disco. Delays when clicking buttons. Some music plays in the background, but it is not a rhythm game. I do not recommend buying it, there are enough good arcade games on the market, but this one does not count among them.

✔️The retro-style graphics themselves look reasonably okay
✔️The scoreboards introduce some element of competition

❌The gameplay gets boring very quickly
❌The game doesn't have any defined goal
❌Delays during track changes often result in failure
❌Graphic effects interfere with the gameplay

Rating: 4/10



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.
Posted May 25. Last edited May 25.
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1.7 hrs on record
Hard to avoid lasers when hitboxes don't work as they should

Lasers is a game in which our goal is to run through a level where there are lasers. Sometimes they stand still, sometimes they move in all directions of the world, and coming into contact with such a laser results in death and the need to start the level over again.

The game is oriented more towards multiplayer mode, but we can also play singleplayer mode on dozens of maps. The problem with mutliplayer, however, is that there is a maximum of about 30 people in the game per day, so entering any lobby borders on the miraculous.

As for the gameplay itself, I'll start with the maps. The maps are linear, which means that we practically run ahead all the time. Graphically there is nothing special here so the maps differ in the arrangement of lasers and platforms, occasionally jumping platforms appear and that's it.

As a character we can walk, run, crouch and crawl. The only thing is that here there is a problem with hitboxes and the feeling when moving in general, because it is kind of weird. The game seemed to be difficult, but over time it became annoying. The hitboxes are underdeveloped, and the controls themselves are sometimes unresponsive to our actions.

On top of that, there are some cosmetic elements, such as different characters, emoticons and outfits, which we get for playing and winning. And then there's the dubstep playing in the background all the time.


If the developers had worked on the hitboxes and better controls it might even have been a good arcade game. Add to that more expanded maps and checkpoint system and it would be really good, but unfortunately it is what it is.

✔️❌The game is quite difficult, but this is also partly due to poor controls

❌Graphics - the levels are boring, they lack depth
❌Character hitboxes - we die where we shouldn't
❌Character movement - sometimes the character does not respond to the button

Rating: 2.5/10



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.

Posted May 9.
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4 people found this review helpful
4.4 hrs on record
The worst horror game I've played

Nyctophobia is a game in which our goal is to get items to help us escape. Of course, we land in some remote area at night, so our only “weapon” is a flashlight. If we run out of battery in the flashlight then simply our game is over. The problem is that there is only one moment in the game when the game saves, and that is at the end of the game. The whole gameplay of this game is running back and forth looking for some items, collecting batteries along the way so that our flashlight doesn't die and possibly collecting notes like in Slenderman.

The controls are mediocre. All we can do here is walk and jump. Sometimes the game will also let us use the F button to collect another item. Graphically it is tragic, the game is ugly, the map is small and there are several items on it, each of which is similar to another. The sounds are supposedly meant to scare us, but after the twentieth battery collected they start to annoy.

On top of that, there is a second mode where we have to turn on 4 lights. Yes, you see correctly, turn on the lights. Apparently there are some notes, but who cares about them. Well, but to make it not so easy there are zombies(?) on our way, which look like some kind of statues. They respawn at light sources, so they die almost immediately. Amazing. Still in this mode, there are some creatures standing on the containers, which do nothing and are probably meant to scare us.


Nyctophobia is neither a good game nor a terrible one. Even if it were free, playing this title makes no sense and is just a waste of time. If you want to get scared it's not in this game. The only plus here could be the easy to get achievements, but if someone does not collect them then he will only waste his time here.

❌Very ugly graphics
❌Annoying, repetitive sounds
❌The game is signed as a horror game, and my biggest fear was when walking through a minefield to avoid stepping on a mine
❌The controls are very poor

Time of completion: 2-3 hours

Rating: 2/10



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.

Posted May 1.
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7 people found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record
Are you familiar with such a series as 1000 Ways to Die?

Suicide Guy is a game in which our goal is to find a way to make our character die. This is because our character has fallen asleep and we try to wake him up by “killing” him in various ways. The game is divided into a main storyline and additional levels.

This is a puzzle game, so on each level we will have to think for a while before we can find the solution. To get through, we will use various levers, objects that we can throw or use to open something, unscrew something or block some place. The puzzles are rather simple for the most part, and they make logical sense to complete. The main problem is definitely the physics of the crates. I have the feeling that they are terribly clumsy to move and operate. The rest of the items work normally, but there is something wrong with the crates. On top of that, the levels refer to various games or movies, such as Mario or Portal. It is worth noting that each level has a statue to take. It is ok as such a collector's accessory.

Graphics for the atmosphere of the game is ok. Certainly on the plus side the design of the levels, each of them is different and there is no boredom in this aspect. Unfortunately, sometimes the levels are quite empty and so lifeless. I think it can be summed up by the fact that the graphics are cartoonish, but still something is missing here.

The sound design is fine. There is no dubbing in the game itself, only soundtrack and ambient sounds. I also like the fact that there is a radio at the beginning of each level and we can legally turn off the music if we don't like it.


Suicide Guy is an interesting game, with a fairly original idea, but with small shortcomings at least in the physics of the game. It doesn't change the fact that for 3 hours I had fun and was curious how I would have to annihilate my character in the next level. The price is quite low, the content is for about 5 hours together with additional levels, and the achievements are easy to unlock.

✔️The idea of the game
✔️References to other games and movies
✔️Sound design, mainly the soundtrack

✔️❌Graphics are ok, but nothing special

❌Physics (especially the boxes and sometimes jumping at the edges)

Time of completion: 5-6 hours

Rating: 6/10



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.
Posted April 26.
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6 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
The worst Idle game I've played

Autocraft is a game where we basically don't play, but watch our character kill enemies, and we get resources for it. With the resources we can buy various upgrades. Unfortunately, compared to other similar titles, Autocraft falls tragically short.

The interface is unreadable, we buy more upgrades, but basically we don't know what for. The game doesn't have any specifically defined purpose. There is a lack of animations for killing enemies or upgrading our character. Getting to the end of the game, that is, to upgrade our character to the max is maybe a few hours, but so what if there is no satisfaction from it.

Currently you can't even buy this game in the Steam Store, and all in all it's a good thing, because apart from easy achievements it doesn't offer anything interesting.

Time of completion: 1-2 hours



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.
Posted April 21. Last edited April 21.
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4 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record
Rescuing friends 300 times

Maverta Island is a puzzle game in which our goal is to save all the aborigines. On the board, however, there are traps such as spikes and ditches with water, as well as enemies that we can walk past, but we can't face them "eye to eye." On top of that, there are also crates on the map that we can move and place in these ditches with water, so we can walk through them.

The game consists of 300 levels, which by design do not differ practically at all. The only differences are the spacing of all the elements on the board and sometimes the graphic appearance changes. Collected coins can be exchanged for skipping levels, so we don't have to complete all levels to finish the game. We can also spend them to undo moves, but this is sometimes buggy and not worth using.

The graphic design is simple, minimalist, rather nothing special and pretty. The music is already decidedly better and catchy.


Maverta Island is a game that made me personally tired. The very large number of three hundred levels, in which we learn all the game mechanics very quickly, makes the game simply boring and monotonous.

✔️Simple achievements

✔️❌Soundtrack fairly ok
✔️❌Graphics - it is simple, but nothing special

❌Undoing moves can bug the level
❌Subsequent levels do not differ much from each other
❌Too many levels (300)

Rating: 3/10



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.
Posted April 15. Last edited April 15.
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4 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
Strategic Battle Against Undead Hordes.

Ultimate Zombie Defense is a game in which, as the name suggests, we have to defend ourselves against hordes of the undead. To do this, of course, we will use various weapons that we can purchase during the gameplay, as well as a building system, thanks to which we can fence off the zombies and set various traps for them.

The game basically offers us two game modes: single player mode and mutiplayer mode. However, each mode is based on the same thing, that is, defense against successive waves of zombies. Each wave is, of course, stronger, new enemies appear, as well as the occasional boss. Between successive waves we can build various types of walls and barricades to protect ourselves from enemies, as well as various traps and defensive elements such as mines, electric traps or cannons.

It should be noted that we have four classes to choose from and each of them is unique. The longer we play on a given class, the more we develop it, and thus we unlock more upgrades by which our character becomes stronger and stronger. We have the same number of maps, except that one of them is available for purchase in paid DLC. The maps are not very large and therefore not very interesting.

As for the shooting system, I think it's not quite perfect, but it's okay. Sometimes perfect aiming at the enemy turns out to be inaccurate and you have to aim a little beside it. This is not that big of a problem, but it could certainly be refined. The character movement itself is fine, the feeling of moving is good.

Graphics and sound design is ok, rather nothing special, but not a tragedy either. You can just say that it is average.


The game has already been free twice, and its current price is quite low, and I think it is certainly worth the price. On the other hand, the game doesn't offer much content, it's quite monotonous, and the development of individual classes isn't very interesting. Personally, I played the single-player mode, but I would rather recommend playing it with someone, it will certainly give more fun from the game.

✔️Several different classes that we can upgrade with time
✔️The right price for the quality of the game

✔️❌Shooting model
✔️❌Graphic design
✔️❌Sound design

❌Small number of maps
❌The game is monotonous, lack of some random events during successive waves

Rating: 5.5/10



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.

Posted April 11.
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2.0 hrs on record
Is it possible to mess up a word puzzle game?

The developers show that it is possible. Wordle 5, like all previous parts, is about the same thing - arranging words from letters. In this case, however, it's even worse, which is strange, because, after all, it was enough to take any of the previous parts and change the category and words, but apparently this also proved too difficult.

Some words simply make no sense or are missing letters by which words that don't exist come out. In a given level there happen to be words that are practically the same. Sometimes it is impossible to form a word even though we do it right. It's just that the game is programmed so that you have to form the word the way the developers want you to.

As the previous parts were weak and boring, so this one is tragic and I advise against buying this title.

✔️Quick to get achievements

❌The game is expensive and offers little content
❌Compared to previous parts, the number of bugs is higher

Time of completion: Depends on how fast you guess the words

Rating: 2/10



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.
Posted April 9. Last edited April 9.
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4 people found this review helpful
8.1 hrs on record
Journey Into Deep Space

CRYPTARK is a rogue-like shooter in which we choose one of the mechs where each mech has a slightly different set of weapons and our goal is to destroy the core. Of course, the core is protected by different enemies, as well as different protection systems, so we have to carefully work out our plan to destroy it.

There are three modes to choose from in the game, of which to play the next one we have to pass the previous one. We start with the Campaign, where we first choose one of the levels and then select the equipment we have to pay for. The next mode is Hunter mode where we can't choose equipment and we collect weapons on the map, but the goal is the same. The last mode is Cryptark Excavations and it's such a summary of the game with new enemies, but unfortunately only one level although randomly generated.

The levels are randomly generated. Nevertheless, after a few completed levels they simply get boring and monotonous. To the rescue come artifacts, which we collect only if we complete a given objective, such as not destroying one of the defense systems. This introduces some difficulty to the game and is an interesting diversification. On top of that, for artifacts we can unlock new mechs.

Graphically it is good, all explosions, shooting effects look nice. In general, we don't have too many graphical options to choose from, but I think that for this type of game they are sufficient.
Sound-wise, I have no complaints either. The music and sound effects match the climate of the game. There is even dubbing included, although there is not much opportunity to listen to it in the game.


CRYPTARK is a good game, although with a few flaws such as the lack of feeling that we are progressing. Other than that, it is a title that I played quite pleasantly and do not regret the hours spent. Pricing is also good, the game is often on discount. Achievements are quite simple.

✔️Large selection of weapons and additional equipment
✔️The environment is not just visual, but we can interact with it
✔️Graphic and sound effects

❌It does not feel like we are progressing with the levels
❌Sometimes poor visibility when we aim and there is a lot going on on the screen
❌Varied, but similar-looking levels

Time of completion: Depends on the level of difficulty, I think about 10-15

Rating: 6.5/10



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.

Posted April 7.
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30 people found this review helpful
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0.3 hrs on record
Sometimes even buying milk can be a challenge

Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk is a visual novel, also labeled as a horror game. The game is not scary, but it certainly introduces anxiety in the player. Anxiety, because throughout the game we are talked to by a character in whom we feel that there is something wrong, that he has some mental problems. And we, as the player, are there to learn her brief history and simply help her. Because only we are able to help her.

The story told in the game shows that some events in our lives can lead to the fact that even the simplest activities we do in a day, including going to the store and buying a product can be challenging and a hard trek.

This is not a game where we look for beautiful graphics, a great soundtrack or outstanding gameplay. The only important thing is the story and to focus all your attention on it.

The game is very cheap, and also often found on discount so it is definitely worth testing and evaluating for yourself. On top of that, it offers 3 very simple achievements (this is so for fans of achievements :)



Please note that this is only my evaluation and opinion of the game. If you do not agree with it or think that the game deserves a higher or lower rating, please leave a comment and I will be happy to respond.

Posted April 4.
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