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Публикувани: 16 апр. 2016 в 15:57

TL:DR Great story and atmosphere though the poor controls and combat let it down a bit. This is only the first part of the trilogy and probably not worth buying at full price right now. I'd recommend waiting to pick it up on offer or for part 2s release.

Full Version:

The Fall see you playing as a mechanized combat suit AI called ARID who takes control when the suit pilot is rendered inconscious. ARID crash lands in an abandoned facility and in compliance with her programming has to find medical aid for her pilot. The story for this game is brilliant as well as the incredibly atmospheric setting. The gameplay is a bit of is a combination of puzzle solving and metroidvania style exploration of the facility.

There is combat but it is the biggest weakpoint of the game with it being very clunky and awkward though not to the point where it ruins the game. This is also the first of a trilogy and so the game is only about 2-3 hours long with a cliffhanger ending. This is worth considering if you want to buy it as its been 2 years and part 2 in still unreleased though it may be released soon.

Good points:
- A really gripping clever story that had me hooked
-The setting is really atmospheric and unnerving
-I really liked the visual style of this game which makes good use of shadow and lighting to add to the unsettling atmosphere of the setting

Bad points:
- Clunky controls and combat
- Puzzles are a bit uneven. Its usually finding an object and using it on another object but some of the items you need to collect can be hard to find or in unobvious locations
- This is only the first part of the trilogy and thus it ends quite suddenly on a cliffhanger so it maybe worth waiting though given its been 2 years since release and still no episode 2 it may be a long wait.
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