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Verfasst: 30. Okt. 2021 um 16:03

Originally aired, erm... released, in 2018, Midnight Scenes: Episode 2 is a continuation of Octavi Navarro's Twilight Zone inspired sci-fi point and click series. In this episode you witness a man named Richard board a seemingly innocuous flight to Washington, but in a twist only partially reminiscent of 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet', he finds himself in a terrible situation. Through a series of events propelled by internal monologue and character dialogue, the story of how Richard got here, and what is ultimately to become of him, unfolds.

Instead of mostly relying on Rod Serling styled narration at both the start and conclusion of the episode, as in the first Midnight Scenes release, this title offers an abundance of dialogue. The narration contributes well to character development, and players are far more inclined to actually care about the small cast that the game works with. The story is a very obvious amalgamation of ideas and events from The Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, and even a tinge of The Thing, though despite these heavy influences the plot feels fresh and genuine. The developer changed up the mouse cursor in this release, so it's a lot easier to see it against the white backgrounds; additionally, the CRT screen curve at the edges of the game are a nice touch. As far as gameplay goes, there's very little, but there are a few very easy 'puzzles' to solve. That said, the enjoyment here purely stems from experiencing the story.

If you enjoy the aforementioned shows and movie, then you will undoubtedly love Midnight Scenes: Episode 2. It's always great to see a developer who can take an assortment of inspiration from other outlets and channel them into a creative endeavour that feels both like a continuation of said inspirations, and a brand new creation all at the same time. The runtime for this release is just shy of 30 minutes, which is just enough to be a full-length television episode. Again, the price here is a little steep for the playtime that you get, but the quality of the content you receive far surpasses the monetary justification.

Rating: 5.0/5.0 - An astonishing achievement, this game must be played.
The Horror Network Curator | Group Click for Gore
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