Cee Cee
Reveal Thyself, Destroyer
Currently Online
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Diamond Tibbzz Feb 23 @ 4:40pm 
goofy sorry lars.
AwilixKugimiya Jan 11 @ 12:28am 
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Lil' Howard Jan 1 @ 5:09am 
Don't know about the other comment but this guy's Claudio is ass
SEEFRU Dec 21, 2023 @ 2:02pm 
Dont know about the other comments on here but this guys Claudio was solid AF.
Shimmy shim shim Jan 16, 2023 @ 10:17pm 
I couldn't agree more El Peepo. Back in the day I use to beat this guy in tekken all the time before making a 4am mcdonalds run. Now the only way he can beat my legendary Gandorf in Tekken is cheats!
rest in pepperoni Jan 7, 2023 @ 9:14am 
tekken bot user. fake raijin rank. dude is a scummy cheater.