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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,013.0 hrs on record (43.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jan 8, 2019 @ 10:08pm
Updated: Sep 30, 2022 @ 3:46pm

The game is fun... BUT it is poorly designed. It is very unstable crashes frequently which means you get no rewards from the match and all your hard work and time is wasted. Eventually they are getting dedicated servers but until that point the game is reliant on the killers internet which can lead to bad gameplay aka taking damage when it missed by a mile. The game itself is very pay to win if you are a killer. Many of the base killers are strong but for 7 dollars you can get a killer that when he looks at you he gets stronger and faster but he always outruns you even with no power ups, the worst part is he can kill you in one hit... No counterplay. So a fun game wridled with greedy devs.

- update i give the game a 0/10 simply because no matter how hard you try someone will throw their wallet at the monitor and win

-update did a totem and got disconnected twice and lost 2 pips 10/8/19

-Update again servers still suck hitboxes are still wack game still trash why am i still here

-Another update 3/17/2020 dc penalty exists forced to deal with 4 man swfs or toxic face camping tunneling op killers

-11/1/2020 Killers get to tunnel freely and because your teammates are apes and play on an xbox they cost the game and end up giving 4ks whey he shouldnt have even gotten 1 kill happens every game i get hooked unhooked tunneled i use ds he keeps tunneling hook unhook keeps tunneling 1 kill then the console players just crouch until he finds them

-12/2/20 New killer just came out bought it played one match unbound victor got stuck inside myself instantly couldnt move for 3 gens. played one survivor match rank1 sweaty forever freddy camping and tunneling as usual game is still not fun

-3/7/21 Game is just garbage the dc penalty makes the game unplayable i dont really wanna go against sweaty killers every single game all running top tier addons and moris playing top tier characters Why would i play a game that isn't fun and there are penalties because i am forced to be the victim of someone else having fun, meanwhile im running trash tier perks trying to have fun. Its always death slinger spirit face camping cannibal or doctor and im forced to put in hundreds of hours against killers that i feel are either not balanced or have stronger perks than i use. i dont wanna be a meta slave and run dead hard ds adrenaline and bt but im about to.

yet another update the game is still garbage yet here i am. survivor feels like its at its worst its been in a long time all killers just play by the tier list as per usual
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