1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 10.2 hrs on record
Posted: Jan 6 @ 7:53pm

Best Portal 2 mod I've played. The puzzles are great and challenging, there were a few places that I got stuck on for a bit was still able to finish the mod in one sitting without getting fatigued. Visually it's gorgeous, I don't know how these devs managed to get prebaked Source lighting to look as good as it does here, it's wonderful. Not even mentioning the environment design which is also stellar. The voice performances were solid, and the narrative of Stirling wanting to put the scattered pieces of GLaDOS back together after the ending of Portal 1 is a very clever way to work around a (sorta) plot-hole in Portal 2.

My only complaint is that the story ends super abruptly. I actually thought I broke the game when I first played it, nothing was resolved before the credits rolled. Of course there's a scene after the credits which shows that the spire was sent to the moon, and that the player has been put in stasis, but I feel it would have been better to just show that before the credits. Putting it after makes it seem more like an extra treat rather than essential story resolutions. Adding onto that, none of Stirling's plan mentioned earlier actually comes to fruition, which is fine, but since it isn't really resolved it kinda adds onto the ending feeling a bit out of nowhere. None of this is a deal-breaker by any means, but just my two cents.

Overall though I absolutely recommend playing this, scratches that Portal itch very well.
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