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Please fill the comments with "What gun bag?"
No, I've never played Valorant lol

Hehe furry

Obsessed with Genshin but I love her

I have a PSN, Switch and Discord. Just drop a message for those

I don't talk very much, solely because I don't get so many messages or I’m isolated in my own mind. Be sure to set a nickname though
Still sleeping
I typically main Doctors in games
Hit me up if ya want, always open to chat.

Bring him back

If you’ve the need to talk to someone about anything, I’m all the more open
Ahh.. don’t be afraid to approach, I’m always happy to give a helping hand.. I care for people, really.

I don’t reply exactly as fast as anyone would believe, which.. can be a problem. I can certainly attempt to be there at the time of aid, but I require time myself to get to things. Sometimes it slips my mind to reply.
Also I’m just very socially inept so I’ll be quiet upon adding

I may do sweeps time to time
I guess this catches people by surprise when it happens? Maybe not. I'll randomly remove if communication has been zip for too long or I just can't exactly find it in the back of my mind as to where I've met you. If you wanna add me back, that's up to you ahah.
Rycanto 25 Thg04 @ 6:32pm 
Don't make fun of me, but I just realized why your name is Yoru and why you're so heavily associated with the moon and nighttime stuff.
CoffeeEldritch 25 Thg11, 2023 @ 10:33pm 
Raphy 4 Thg10, 2023 @ 11:51am 
What gun bag?
Kaji-chuu 10 Thg09, 2023 @ 8:48pm 
Don't make me :jarate:
Kaji-chuu 10 Thg09, 2023 @ 8:42pm 
Kaji-chuu 10 Thg09, 2023 @ 11:39am 
wha wha D: