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20.2 hrs on record
"No idea how to open the door though..."

Very amazing game. Any roguelike fan, any RPG fan, any old school gamer will enjoy this game very much. While the game may appear to be a roguelike (You take turns) it is actually not. Everything is happening in real-time. This actually adds a lot of strategy and multitasking to the game. You have to balance attacking while activating runes for your spells and moving around your enemies. Again, this is all balanced very well on a grid. Combat, while a little slow early on, is pretty in-depth. You need to be constantly thinking about your position on the grid with how your enemey attacks and moves.

This game really is a hybrid of old school and new school. It takes all the good from old and combines it with all the right things from new. The game doesn't feel out of date, yet it's still nostalgic. Right now it does not exist but there will be a level editor later on. This will just add more to your experience. This game is worth your money.
Posted July 13, 2012.
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92 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record

This is a great roguelike and I demand everyone to play it. If you have ever played a roguelike then this game is exactly like that but better; it will take you back to the days of challenging fun games. Also, the gold only changes your gameover screen; your tombstone gets bigger and more people come to your funeral. That's hilarious.
Posted November 27, 2011.
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512.5 hrs on record (221.2 hrs at review time)
"Everything is so simple when you have a rocket launcher for an arm!"

Killing Floor is nothing like it was when it was first released; so most reviews you read will be pointless now. While first released with only 5 maps, the game now has 20 total. The free content that has been released for this game is extraordinary. I would even go so far as to compare Tripwire to what Valve has done for TF2, tons of free, great, content. The only snag is the gameplay itself. Some may find it repetitive, while others will find it an enjoyable experience. I have 110+ hours in the game myself, and find this game well worth your money.

I do have to say that the game does go on sale for $10 fairly often so I would wait for a sale on this one. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but it isn't one you need to play right now.
Posted July 3, 2011.
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6.8 hrs on record
"Paint the man, cut the lines! PAINT THE MAN, CUT THE LINES!!"

Truly a great horror game. I'm not the biggest fan of horror games myself, yet this game was really enjoyable. It's not really a game either, it's more of an experience. Also it's only $20, and the level of quality you get from that amount of money is great.

P.S. Don't join the choir.
Posted May 2, 2011.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries