Eduardo   Puerto Rico
< - :luv: - >

TwizzysArcadeTTV 13 oct. la 22:44 
most amazing person ever <3 love you
Walrusbane 8 sept. 2017 la 13:20 
a good bloody wanka
Aluc4rd 31 aug. 2017 la 21:42 
..............„-~''-,::::::::::::::::::: ''-„
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.....'....''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'
...............|,: : : : : :-==-: : ::/ Never Gonna Give You Up!
......,-''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,-' Never Gonna Let You Down!
__„-';;;;;\:''-,: : : :'~---~''/| Never Gonna run Around And Desert You!
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;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;|. .\:/. . . .|;;;;;;;;|
Kizu 25 aug. 2017 la 6:15 
:azuki: :revheart: Have a good weekend my firend, and If you like :teddybr:, put a like on my artwork : 3
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Tiny Pyro 1 aug. 2017 la 18:35 
I SECOND, THIRD, AND INFINITY that sentiment Kapten. :) Both of you are my bestest buddies, and I won't EVER forget either one of you , even when I am in the Old Pyro's Home, drooling out my mask and telling the young'uns about Pyroland and what a wonderful place Spirit's DM Duel V2 server was. :) You both have touched my heart in ways I can't describe, and I agree with everything you said Kapten. Polis---you are an AMAZING sniper, and each time I have died to you, I couldn't help but laugh because we sometimes went shot-for-shot on each other, having tons of fun along the way. Thank you for being awesome. Both of you! :)
Nγstrom~~ 1 aug. 2017 la 13:15 
My Man,

Never stop being in yourself. Always continue to believe and always continue to be you.

I'm lucky to run into you on Spirit's Servers, because i've made an amazing friend. He's a amazing player to always makes me laugh no matter what. And in fact, he's an amazing sniper as well!

I just want to say thanks.... for always being here. See yah next time! :)

~Kapten Kanibal