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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Scout

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32.1 godz. łącznie (28.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I love this game so much I've finished it in all difficulties, I wish there was a higher one so I can play more. this game is creepy enough to keep you on edge and fun enough to play through again and again. my only "problem" is the combat is a little sluggish but other than that, perfect in my book. I got it on sale when it was like $2.50 or something but I would gladly pay $15-$20 for it. the game is rich in environment and details, don't get me started on the lighting... haha the lighting is one of my favorites in the game. and the music! man, I love the music, wish it came with a soundtrack or you could buy one, I definitely would buy it, it's simple but haunting and great. okay, let me wrap things up, if you want a good game with a vague but strong story look no further and buy this game.

P.S: gonna do another play through only usin' the shiv. hahah
Opublikowana: 4 września 2014.
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