Raging Homiesexual   Jibuti, Djibouti, Djibouti
We love homies with extra chromies

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SnobOnMyKnob Apr 8, 2023 @ 10:11am 
recently ran into this guy on onlyfans, hes not looking too good since the divorce. thoughts and prayers, cam cam. xoxo
SnobOnMyKnob Dec 2, 2021 @ 6:31pm 
+Rep Witnessed this man take an old lady's wheelchair and sell it for PCP. True American hero 10/10
vcxz Dec 2, 2021 @ 10:53am 
+rep nice guy
AJ Nov 18, 2021 @ 4:23pm 
this man is the goat with the zeus
Linoone fanatic Oct 29, 2021 @ 10:04pm 
This individual admitted to me he's part of Mossad (Isreali intelligence service) and works designing mind-altering beam weapons capable of forcefully intruding thoughts into any targeted subject. He has been secretively following me and spying on everything I do. He's been telling the mc donalds cashier to note my coordinates on her cash register. While I was asleep agents put a microchip inside my head to monitor my thoughts, BonQweeQwee is behind all of this and keeps mind controlling me to put voices in my head that tell me to kill the mc donalds cashier or else they will find and kill me. Do not trust this person he will ruin your life and admitted to being related to the antichrist and adhering to satanic rituals involving homosexuality. He was also involed in project MKULTRA and the CIA+FBI in kidnapping young children to sell for mind control-LSD. DO NOT TRUST BonQweeQwee

He do be good at csgo tho, so +rep
ToadWrangler Aug 26, 2021 @ 8:16pm 
"*my face twists up into a mask of frustrated anger as i raise my tear-streaked face into your eyes* I-I'm just trying to be nice! I j-just wanted to be your f-friend, but now it's plain to see you're just a d-disrespectful c*** like all the rest! *a feeling of iron will that only a true man can feel wells up within me and I take a defiant step towards you* You deign to speak in such a way to a man in this fashion? You are a harlot, a wench!"