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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika BobRossYes

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1,106.3 godz. łącznie (697.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Right, I have seven hundred hours now in this game so im pretty sure i can offer a somewhat good review of this game.
Back in 2013 i first installed steam so i could play this cool game that let you customise you character and use stupid weapons instead of playing minecraft (remember this was 2013 when it was still pretty big) and i installed it on my terrible HP laptop and it ran at a solid 10 fps on average. My god it was amazing nine classes all with their own personalities and weapons, it was glorious!!. After a while of playing i bought premium with some australium paint from the mann.co store (Ty Saxon hail) and began trading and like every beginner i lost it all.... and i mean all. but i slowly bulit myself up and started spending money on the game to then lose it again (Seems like a patern is starting to emerge huh?) But a couple weeks ago i purchased some items and got a very cheap unusual for the soldier and sinve then i haven't spent money but my god am i still having fun in this game!

Great game, Valve please give us more employees on the team fortress team i get it dota and counter strike sell but please keep this one going!!
Opublikowana: 27 listopada 2018.
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