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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 249.6 hrs on record (72.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 26, 2014 @ 6:39pm

jog, fatty!

The Dark Souls series is simply fantastic! Many hours are to be spent on each one of these wonderful games.

Honestly though, Dark Souls 1 was far more engaging to me because of the story, but Dark Souls 2 excels in gameplay. I found the levels of Dark Souls 2 to be more consistently enjoyable (I'm looking at you, Blighttown and Tomb Of Giants!), but the bosses are often very simple, armored knightish characters with a gimmick. So DS1 wins there, with it's more varied set of bosses. The characters of DS2 are less memorable for sure, as I can still remember honourable sun-praising Knight Solaire and Lautrec the dirtbag, yet can't remember anyone from DS2 other than The Emerald Maiden for obvious reasons. Another point DS2 is much stronger on is the multiplayer aspect. In DS1, I only ever saw 2 people from outside my world other than in the forest hunters. In DS2, there are duels, I get invaded all the time, and am able to invade fairly often, and there always seems to be a summon sign when I want/need some jolly co-operation. Also; GFWL sucks a lot, so DS1 loses on that... But yeah. Buy this, and Dark Souls: Prepare To Die edition. Do it, it's worth it. STOP STANDING AROUND AND BUY THE DANG GAME!

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